Election Day and Results

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There was a thing back in the news here talking about how what a President says or writes can be pretty much considered policy so there's supposedly some already nervous staff members over that twitter account...
When you arm Taiwan with weapons, train her officers, there is no such thing as a One China Policy. Don't act like China thinks there's a One China Policy.
Well, it looks like President Obama isn't ready to ride off into the political sunset just yet.

In shrewd political move, Obama nominates himself to the Supreme Court

Elections have consequences, folks. IKIS. Enjoy.

"Elections have consequences," the President told assembled reporters at the Rose Garden earlier this morning. "And in this case, the election in 2012, which I won in spite of what you may have heard on Fox News or Rush Limbaugh or read about on some sketchy Facebook page, it means that the people want a leader willing to take risks. Thus it is with the deepest humility and respect for the office that I nominate myself for the position of Chief Justice of the Supreme Court."
*6 Months Ago*

People: "Uhhhhhh, why would you vote for Trump, he's got no experience in politics..."
Other People: "Cause he's so smart! He's gonna surround himself with the best and take their advice! He said so himself- he has GREAT people, really great people. Hillary would never listen to anyone! Trump will know when to listen and leverage his picks for the cabinet!!!"


P: "Dude, he doesn't even get a daily brief- he either sends VP Mike Pence in his stead, or gets briefings when he feels he needs them, not every day..."
OP: "Well, I will bet that briefing is SOOOOOOO repetitive. He has a handle on it, it's not like he's coming out and slamming anyone trying to help him out! He just doesn't like the briefs."
P: "He publicly shit all over the intel community. Via Twitter. Lots of times."
OP: "Whatever, he's just being skeptical. It's not like he's siding with some criminal, he has more knowledge than the rest of us! Inside info about this whole thing. He was even going to tell us, but those idiot intel people weren't ready cause they probably had to get their stories straight!! Plus, that Assange dude seems pretty legit, it's not like PE Trump ever said there should be a death penalty for Wikileaks or something, quit over reacting you lost the election get over it time to move on! Your feelings are hurt!!!"
P: "Bro."

If I should have just started a new thread, apologies. I felt this went here because of it being a reaction to the election. Hell, we might need an "Election Reaction" thread.

4 African-Americans tied up, and tortured a mentally disabled white man. To add a little extra pizzazz to it, they streamed it live on Facebook. They forced the victim to say "Fuck Donald Trump" and "Fuck white people".

4 in custody after mentally disabled man tied up, tortured on Facebook Live
If I should have just started a new thread, apologies. I felt this went here because of it being a reaction to the election. Hell, we might need an "Election Reaction" thread.

4 African-Americans tied up, and tortured a mentally disabled white man. To add a little extra pizzazz to it, they streamed it live on Facebook. They forced the victim to say "Fuck Donald Trump" and "Fuck white people".

4 in custody after mentally disabled man tied up, tortured on Facebook Live
I thought this kind of behavior was reserved for third-sixth savages.

Trying to incite fear with a clear political and racial twist? Sounds like terrorism to me.
*6 Months Ago*

People: "Uhhhhhh, why would you vote for Trump, he's got no experience in politics..."
Other People: "Cause he's so smart! He's gonna surround himself with the best and take their advice! He said so himself- he has GREAT people, really great people. Hillary would never listen to anyone! Trump will know when to listen and leverage his picks for the cabinet!!!"


P: "Dude, he doesn't even get a daily brief- he either sends VP Mike Pence in his stead, or gets briefings when he feels he needs them, not every day..."
OP: "Well, I will bet that briefing is SOOOOOOO repetitive. He has a handle on it, it's not like he's coming out and slamming anyone trying to help him out! He just doesn't like the briefs."
P: "He publicly shit all over the intel community. Via Twitter. Lots of times."
OP: "Whatever, he's just being skeptical. It's not like he's siding with some criminal, he has more knowledge than the rest of us! Inside info about this whole thing. He was even going to tell us, but those idiot intel people weren't ready cause they probably had to get their stories straight!! Plus, that Assange dude seems pretty legit, it's not like PE Trump ever said there should be a death penalty for Wikileaks or something, quit over reacting you lost the election get over it time to move on! Your feelings are hurt!!!"
P: "Bro."

Soooo, I guess those "intelligence" agencies have perfected ESP and remote viewing? The FBI Never Asked For Access To Hacked Computer Servers mind you, this is from BuzzFeed. How exactly do you investigate a crime without accessing the scene or the evidence? The man hasn't even taken office yet. Probably a good idea to wait till it is official before we lambaste him.

It is funny that peoples titties are so twisted over Trump and the idea that the DNC was hacked, versus the information that was revealed which showed corruption and collusion in the DNC and the party at large. With I might add, the intent to influence the election in the first place.

The RNC and Repubs are no better, but they did not get caught, yet.
It's not buzzfeed making the accusation - it's the intelligence community as a whole, with DNI Clapper chief amongst them. But, if you think Julian Assange is a better source (like the president elect does) you're welcome to your opinion.

Interesting to hear president elects shouldn't be criticized before they take office. Wonder if a search of December 2007 posts here shows that consideration of president elect Obama.

I really don't understand this contention by conservatives that hacking, disinformation, and propaganda by a foreign power in our country's election is no big deal as long as it happened to someone you disagree with politically. I guess it's a part of business-savvy cost saving. Maybe the RNC won't have to spend as much money next cycle - they can just delegate the campaign to the PRC, DPRK, ISIS or whoever.
The IT guys I listen to don't call spearphishing:hacking.

If I should have just started a new thread, apologies. I felt this went here because of it being a reaction to the election. Hell, we might need an "Election Reaction" thread.

4 African-Americans tied up, and tortured a mentally disabled white man. To add a little extra pizzazz to it, they streamed it live on Facebook. They forced the victim to say "Fuck Donald Trump" and "Fuck white people".

4 in custody after mentally disabled man tied up, tortured on Facebook Live

I just love how these woke talking heads, mostly black Democrats don't want to call this a hate crime, but immediately label every white on black gun crimes as motivated by hate.

You kidnap a guy on the street, you notice he's definitely not normal and think: this is even better rather than we're going to go to jail for even longer if we do this tells me everything. I'm not saying kidnapping a normal person and doing the same thing to him is a go. But as my sister is special needs, I would go to great lengths to let justice be done.
BuzzFeed is reporting that the FBI did not request access before issuing its report. I said nothing or implied that BuzzFeed was making the accusation. For the record, it was Assange that revealed the NSA was spying on American citizens (and its allies), the DNC was corrupt and colluding to influence the election, and a host of other things that the better source of the intelligence community failed to report or catch. So yeah, I am highly skeptical of anything that is coming out of this "most transparent administration". DNI Clapper has provided no evidence whatsoever. DNI Chief Clapper Takes Swipe at Trump, Assange as He Defends Russia Hack Intel. Another thought, if the evidence and associated whatnot is classified, why are we getting news reports and public briefings on acts that could be considered acts of war?

You are free and clear to search for any posts from 2007 or whatnot. I made no such comments (that I can recall), and yes it is interesting isn't it? Interesting that the focus is on the information being stolen, instead of the content of such information. I am by no means a fan of Snowden or Assange, but one cannot deny the importance of the information released (read: whistle-blown).

What disinformation? What propaganda? Did or did not HRC and the DNC conspire and collude to influence the election? Yes. Did the released information show that the Democratic party ate its own in order to push their chosen candidate? Yes. Liberals can keep crying over spilled milk, or consolidate, regroup, and move forward with getting their agendas on track.

Where is the evidence that a foreign power has interfered with out election? You mean the fake news story that had Russian hacking into the US power grid via a Vermont utility? Oh, but wait! WaPo and the electric company itself confirmed that there was no penetration of the US grid, and that only a laptop was infected and isolated. Conservatives, and the public at large, have a right to see evidence supporting claims that a foreign power was attempting to influence their election. It has nothing to do with who they agree or disagree with. Granted, some conservatives (and liberals) would keep quiet to save their candidate, however, most of us are trying to move past this nonsense and get on with our lives.

ETA: In all seriousness, I recognize you are a part of the intel community, and anyone talking bad about it would be troubling. I get that, I feel the same way about law enforcement and we both probably feel the same way about the military at large. However, we both (I hope) admit that our chosen fields have their flaws, and at times become corrupted at the highest levels. It is difficult to defend the larger community when those in political positions smear the good work of those of us at the middle and bottom tiers. I believe (from the outside looking in), that the intel community has gotten corrupted or damaged <there may be a better descriptor> over the last 8 years and needs a fresh start. Much like law enforcement needs to take a look at their leaders if they want the support of the community.
You and Glenn Greenwald can call Assange and Snowden whistle-blowers all day long - doesn't make it true. The IC and NSA have outstanding oversight and there's not a single illegal item either of those shitheads reported. For all the talk about the biased media you've swallowed a heaping helping of propaganda - and from the LEFT - if you think Snowden, Manning, Assange, and Greenwald have shown illegal behavior by the IC or made America in any way safer.

There has been ample evidence of fake news stories - most of them anti-HRC and pro-Trump throughout the election cycle. If you choose to ignore that evidence have at it - but it in no way means it doesn't exist. I don't think any credible source - as I've posted before - has said that 'decided the election' - that would be impossible to prove, plus it's not something even covered in the democratic process. If you were misinformed or an idiot in your voting that's your choice. If you fear admitting to the facts of Russian attempts to influence this election in PE Trump's favor means his election is illegitimate I think that's a baseless fear. That's not my position - but it in no way obscures the fact (or at least strongly evidence-based theory, which is the best you can do in intelligence - and science for that matter) of Russian maskirova efforts in this election cycle.

Move on to whatever you want. PE Trump won the election, Republicans have control of both houses of congress, and soon will the supreme court. Republicans control something like 38 of 50 governerships and/or statehouses. You fucking won, you got everything you wanted - but OWN that shit. It turns out the PE is acting just as irresponsibly and fact-free as he did when running for office - with the consequences that come with it. I think it's more than fair to point that out - and to keep doing so. In fact, I'd hope those of you who were enthusiastic supporters of the PE might be the most interested in whether your predictions came true, and continue to come true. I know the future of the Democratic party is on my mind for those same reasons - because if what I thought was going to happen didn't happen (which it didn't) - that means the data I used to formulate those conclusions must be flawed (or the thought processes themselves).
:rolleyes: Yeah, uh huh. You are wrong on all counts, but ok. If you believe there is not a single illegal thing in the droves of information released then you might be swallowing your own propaganda. So tell me, at what point do we begin trading our morality for our safety? I never said or intimated that what they did made us safer. If we want to be "safe" then lets just give the intelligence and law enforcement communities carte blanche to do whatever is necessary to make us safe. Cause, you know, history isn't replete with examples throughout recorded history of giving too much power away from the citizenry.

They cannot OWN anything if they haven't started yet, now can they? As for the PE, well, he seems to be getting more done before taking office, and interacting with the public more, than any previous PEOTUS or POTUS. Maybe it is a sham? I don't know. However, I am finally glad to see real hope and change, instead of the lie that was sold to us for 8 years.

I have made my points, back them with credible sources, and a search of my post history will show that I absolutely do not swallow propaganda. Left, right, or otherwise. If you disagree, then ok have fun in your liberal echo chamber. Which btw is why liberals and democrats were so shocked to lose.
I believe there's not a single illegal thing in the droves of information released because no investigation found illegal activity, no one was charged with any crime. I work in this field and conducting this type of activity everyday so the allegations these folks have made that we are a bunch of criminals hits home with me - it is bullshit.

Believe whatever you like about PE Trump. I agree changes are certainly in the works. But I've found you to be someone on here - despite having almost polar opposite views than me on policy, philosophy, and outlook on a number of things - who I have really respected as having a strong sense of bucking the crowd, being willing to see things based on your assessment using logic - not wishful thinking. The reaction on this Russia shit and Trump's continued behavior on twitter has really surprised me from a lot of folks who support him - because I would have thought it's the opposite of what you thought/said he would do once he won. In hindsight I wish I had not taken such a strident tone in my initial post.
Believe whatever you like about PE Trump. I agree changes are certainly in the works. But I've found you to be someone on here - despite having almost polar opposite views than me on policy, philosophy, and outlook on a number of things - who I have really respected as having a strong sense of bucking the crowd, being willing to see things based on your assessment using logic - not wishful thinking. The reaction on this Russia shit and Trump's continued behavior on twitter has really surprised me from a lot of folks who support him - because I would have thought it's the opposite of what you thought/said he would do once he won. In hindsight I wish I had not taken such a strident tone in my initial post.
I appreciate the compliment. No harm no foul. We get passionate about or discussions and that's ok. I probably could have toned down my response as well as my natural inclination is to attack. Nonetheless, thanks for the olive branch. I sometimes need the reminder to vent plasma before going to warp speed lol.

As for Trump, I kinda like his brashness when dealing with people. I feel like the CinC has gotten a little too out of touch with the common citizen. I am still hopeful that positive changes will come from all of this. I realize everyone doesn't share that belief, but for better or worse it is till death or impeachment do us part. :thumbsup:
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