Election Predictions

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Intel Enabler
Verified SOF
Sep 9, 2006
About to go vote.

Anyone want to make predictions for today's elections? This is a no-judgment, no-arguments thing. If you want to make your best guess, go ahead/ no justifications necessary, no recriminations after.

I think the Republicans will win big in the House, and will squeak by in the Senate, to win both houses. They will also make gains in state governorships in places like Georgia and Arizona. I think the Democrats hold NY and NH.

This thread is for predictive analysis only. If you want to fight about politics, please do it elsewhere.
I would like to think Republicans will win both, but I’m never surprised to hear the comments coming out of people’s mouths, and realize how uninformed, or misinformed, they are.

I think it’ll be close, slightly favoring Republican.
About to go vote.

Anyone want to make predictions for today's elections? This is a no-judgment, no-arguments thing. If you want to make your best guess, go ahead/ no justifications necessary, no recriminations after.

I think the Republicans will win big in the House, and will squeak by in the Senate, to win both houses. They will also make gains in state governorships in places like Georgia and Arizona. I think the Democrats hold NY and NH.

This thread is for predictive analysis only. If you want to fight about politics, please do it elsewhere.

I agree with most of your assessment. I think Masters flips the seat in AZ, and Oz might squeak by in PA given the general feeling around Fetterman's stroke.

I'm really interested to see if Walker beats Warnock in GA. If he does, it'll be prime example of "people will vote for a rock if it has a (R/D) next to it on the ballot."
I think that the polls have been underreported; and reflections from partisan entities makes me think that the D side takes an L.

Pennsylvania is a problem; Fetterman just sued to allow ballots post-deadline to be counted, Philly is notoriously shady.

Arizona goes red. Zeldin has a real shot in NY; Whitmer is desperate. I’d also love to see AOC lose (for the tweets).

I will say, I don’t like either party and they’ll both fail you. That being said…

I don’t know if one party fixes all our problems. But I can 100% point to the exact source of every single problem. And there is most definitely one side committing political violence in spades.

We shall see.
I went in to vote first thing today, I was told my registration status was Inactive due to me not voting in the last general election as I was deployed at the time. So I had to fill out a form basically asking to be allowed to vote again (didn't need to show ID though), then filled out the ballot paper, both of which were then placed into a separate pouch and taken away. I'm then told, "No news is good news, if they won't accept your vote, they'll contact you and explain why".
WTF!? It may not be dodgy, but it sure seems dodgy.
I agree with most of your assessment. I think Masters flips the seat in AZ, and Oz might squeak by in PA given the general feeling around Fetterman's stroke.

I'm really interested to see if Walker beats Warnock in GA. If he does, it'll be prime example of "people will vote for a rock if it has a (R/D) next to it on the ballot."
I think both of them are rocks, so I agree.
Voted, went with the Dem for County Judge (Exec) as the female Republican just seems shady, something about her seems Palin-ish.
Other news, my Councilman just got arrested and the news calls it a hit and run. :thumbsdown:
I went in to vote first thing today, I was told my registration status was Inactive due to me not voting in the last general election as I was deployed at the time. So I had to fill out a form basically asking to be allowed to vote again (didn't need to show ID though), then filled out the ballot paper, both of which were then placed into a separate pouch and taken away. I'm then told, "No news is good news, if they won't accept your vote, they'll contact you and explain why".
WTF!? It may not be dodgy, but it sure seems dodgy.

WTF? Dodgy stuff like the above contributes to the allegations and rumors of election fraud.

The House goes red, Senate's too close to call, and the biggest losers today are the American people. Another election cycle, another L.
I was listening to a couple of my co-workers talking about elections today. Neither of them have registered nor ever voted. I was just stunned. They are in their 30s, both women. I was at a loss. So I asked them why have you never voted? One said she didn't understand politics and the other one said she didn't know how to register and didn't think her voting would matter regardless. I showed them both how to register so they can vote in future elections. I also explained that PA is a closed primary state and in order to be able to cast a ballot in a primary election ( literally had to explain that as well) they had to declare as Republican or Democrat vs. Independent/No affiliation. They looked at me like I had just disclosed the knowledge of the Universe. SMH
As for me, I voted in my new county for the first time with my shiny new voter registration card. I had to also show my photo ID and my PA change of address card, all of which I had no problem doing. I found the process a little different than in Allegheny County and much more efficient. They used a different type of machine here, which involved selecting your choices on a touch screen then printing out your ballot that you took to another machine to deposit your completed ballot. Pretty fancy compared to the forms and machines in Allegheny.
For the record, I did not vote for Fetterman.
I was listening to a couple of my co-workers talking about elections today. Neither of them have registered nor ever voted. I was just stunned. They are in their 30s, both women. I was at a loss. So I asked them why have you never voted? One said she didn't understand politics and the other one said she didn't know how to register and didn't think her voting would matter regardless. I showed them both how to register so they can vote in future elections. I also explained that PA is a closed primary state and in order to be able to cast a ballot in a primary election ( literally had to explain that as well) they had to declare as Republican or Democrat vs. Independent/No affiliation. They looked at me like I had just disclosed the knowledge of the Universe. SMH
As for me, I voted in my new county for the first time with my shiny new voter registration card. I had to also show my photo ID and my PA change of address card, all of which I had no problem doing. I found the process a little different than in Allegheny County and much more efficient. They used a different type of machine here, which involved selecting your choices on a touch screen then printing out your ballot that you took to another machine to deposit your completed ballot. Pretty fancy compared to the forms and machines in Allegheny.
For the record, I did not vote for Fetterman.
Similar machines where I vote.
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