Fresh roasted coffee, gear advice, etc

@poison - do you go by the 2 tablespoons of beans per 6 oz cup of coffee? That just seems like a lot of beans, and making two full pots (12 cups) goes thru a pound pretty damn quick.
@poison - do you go by the 2 tablespoons of beans per 6 oz cup of coffee? That just seems like a lot of beans, and making two full pots (12 cups) goes thru a pound pretty damn quick.

I use 8 Tbs finely ground in a Krups electric wing grinder, in a slow drip machine with paper and gold filters for a full pot (12 cups)... I never get any complaints from guests, even coffee heads.

My measure is an old stainless steel Gevalia scoop. I also keep the coffee for use in an airtight ceramic Gevalia canister... both were gifts, but a long time ago, I did belong to the Gevalia club. some of their ancillary equipment is actually very good, although their coffee is only average and overpriced..
It's going to depend greatly on grind particle size. A coarser grind will extract less, a finer grind will extract more, thereby reducing or increasing the amount of grinds needed. Keep in mind some people think 'oh, I'll grind super fine then, and save money', but grinding too fine is bad, because it'll over extract and taste like shit. You want a medium grind.

Then dose to taste. Start with the 2 scoops recommendation, and if it's too strong, use less, not strong enough, use more.
Sounds good to me. Taste rules all!

I accidentally roasted 3 extra lbs of Colombia. If you want them, order 2 lbs of Colombia at full price, and I'll throw the 3rd in free.

Or if 3 of you want to order 2lbs, ill throw a lb in each order free.

That coffee above is gone.

New Ethiopia is in!

Excellent brewer at an excellent price, minus 10% with coupon PRESENTS!

I'm in the thick of Xmas orders, so I haven't been around much. Get your orders in by this coming weekend if you need it by the holiday! The sample pack, Roastmasters choice, and gift certificates make great gifts!

This stuff is amazing, not the first time I've carried it.
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It is really special stuff. I'll roast my first production batch today, should be tasting tomorrow.

Just cupped my first batch here, while the second is roasting. Fuck yeah! It's so good: peaches, blackberries, floral notes, and 60% cacao powder. So. Good.
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Oh, I never add anything. It's just inherent in the bean!

a mellow chocolate sweetness with tones of stone fruits, summer berries and flowers.... with the inherent mild bitter tones of the coffee flavor? Damn you... that sounds great... and it would probably handle a table cream very well, or a full whipping cream...

N, have you tried brewing it with a shake of cinnamon and/or nutmeg in the grounds, that might bring up the flavors and add a little more depth... but it would have to be just the smallest hint of either or both...
This would be the coffee to do that with. It has mellow spice notes, but I couldn't decide if it was cardamom or something else.
This would be the coffee to do that with. It has mellow spice notes, but I couldn't decide if it was cardamom or something else.

If it is a cardamom note, cinnamon and/or nutmeg would heighten that a bit too, very complimentary flavors - earthy and aromatic at the same time. Having them extracted with the beans would allow the oils to mix with the natural oils in the beans so very very small amounts (a tiny pinch of either or both at most) would be all that's required.

I need more money so I can try each of the new acquisitions...:(
Oh look.

The Best Damn Coffee

Dumb phone

I have more Colombia Finca Matarredonda coming today!


Took this just now.
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