WTF. We spent more time on Jamie/Brienne's shitty highschool romance than on, oh I don't know... the movement of the northern army, how the fuck Euron figured out the avenue of approach and laid an ambush, how the fuck Cersei's folks managed to mass produce the Scorpion and perfect aiming and tactics, whatever the hell the goddamned plan is for King's Landing, and half a dozen other major plot elements. Because we need to see a mediocre game of "never have I ever". Right.
- casually killed a dragon in all of about 2 minutes flat (and apparently dragons/Daenerys aren't smart enough to fly over the weapons, WTF?)
- Cersei, who has demonstrated greater cruelty than Genghis Khan, Atilla the Hun, and Vlad the Impaler combined gets a hold of a single POW (another WTF? You only captured one and it just happened to be a main character? Bullshit.) and *doesn't* exact some kind of stomach-turning torturous death on her? We saw worse from Khal Drogo.
- On that note, if you're good with sending a message by killing Missandei and making sure you light Dany's fuse, what's stopping you from killing Dany right there, along with what - at this point - must be about half her remaining forces? Or is this some variable-force-size bullshit, where from scene to scene the size of the formation changes at the whim of the director?
- You have ONE direwolf still alive, and Jon Snow just decides he's done with Ghost? And doesn't even say goodbye? What a piece of shit.
Between all of the above and an unedited Starbucks cup, HBO isn't even lifting a finger in effort.
Oh, and you're
thinking about spinoffs? Go eat a wildfire-infused cauldron of dicks.