Game of Thrones thread -

If Sansa takes the Iron Throne I'll be absolutly OK with that. It's been established already many episodes ago that she genuinely cares for peoples well being, not just her own but in general, and is always concerned with sufficient provision, food, supply etc. In the last episode Sansa cared more about Danaerys' remaining force than her. She seems far more reasonable and is more experienced in political / public affairs, especialy considering all she's gone through, than Danaerys ever was and prob will be. She mostly relies on her advisors. Sansa is ambitious too, but imo in a healthier way and not nearly as selfish and dangerous.
Jon Snow does stupid impetuous stuff, like at the Battle of the Bastards. Sansa saved his man-bun from disaster. She fed Ramsay to his own dogs, she used and then outsmarted the incredibly devious Little Finger and had him whacked and, unlike Danaerys, she keeps her cool. She's smarter than all of them.

And if she becomes Queen I would like to get the Hand job.
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Jon Snow does stupid impetuous stuff, like at the Battle of the Bastards. Sansa saved his man-bun from disaster. She fed Ramsay to his own dogs, she used and then outsmarted the incredibly devious Little Finger and had him whacked and, unlike Danaerys, she keeps her cool. She's smarter than all of them.

And if she becomes Queen I would like to get the Hand job.

My predictions:
OK, we're doing's mine (WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD):

Hound goes after Mountain, kills Mountain but is mortally wounded at the same time. Arya cries.

Gendry is killed by Danaerys because he has a claim to the throne and is a threat.

Tormund and Jon have been reading Sun Tzu and Tormund didn't really leave, it's a feint and he's bringing back a Wildling hoard to help take Kings Landing. He gives Brienne the boning she really wants.

Greyworm is killed during the battle for Kings Landing but not before taking out all the harpoon weapons. I guess it's a warriors death.

Euron is fried by Danaerys during a trap that was set with the help of Yara and her ships.

For his betrayal, Jaime is killed by Cersei, who really bears his child again. But Arya, wearing a Jaime mask, kills Cersei.

As Bronn is getting ready to kill Jaime (really Arya in a mask), he is off'd by Tyrion via his favorite weapon, the crossbow.

When it's clear, the fight for Kings Landing is over, Davos offs Varys for planning to poison Danaerys.

Danaerys is killed by Samwell in revenge for frying his dad and brother.

Jon, being a man of honor, has to uphold the law and behead Samwell.

Not being able to live with himself and still regretting that he didn't say goodbye to Ghost, Jon heads to North, never to be heard from again.

Littlefinger comes back claiming chaos is a ladder, much to Sansas horror, because they're still married and claims the Iron Thone...only use to that little fuckstain, Bran, final has a point as it's revealed he is really the Night King. He comes back from the future and his visit to Starbucks to ultimately take the throne....

Winter has Arrived! The End.
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@Blizzard I diverted my eyes from your post and did not read it. I don't know if you used real spoilers, but I'm not taking any chances.

Get thee behind me, Satan.
Guys - if you want to discuss ‘real’ spoilers or fan speculation , please ‘tag into’ my running PM thread. Otherwise be sure to use the ‘spoiler’ option. The only real spoilers discussed in this thread should be what happened in the prior week’s show.


I did not delete your post, I just gave it a ‘spoiler’ link so that folks have the option.
Guys - if you want to discuss ‘real’ spoilers or fan speculation , please ‘tag into’ my running PM thread. Otherwise be sure to use the ‘spoiler’ option. The only real spoilers discussed in this thread should be what happened in the prior week’s show.


I did not delete your post, I just gave it a ‘spoiler’ link so that folks have the option.
Mea culpa. Thanks!

A stated in my prior post... these were my wild ass speculations; not actual spoilers based on any known facts.
Official Vegas odds on who will sit on the Iron Throne. They've got dark horse Bran as the odds on favorite. I think that's just screwy, America.

  • Bran Stark 1/1
  • Sansa Stark 3/1
  • Jon Snow 7/2
  • Daenerys Targaryen 5/1
  • Tyrion Lannister 5/1
  • Gendry 9/1
  • Cersei Lannister 14/1
  • Arya Stark 20/1
  • Jon Snow & Daenerys’ Baby 20/1
  • Jaime & Cersei’s Baby 33/1
  • Samwell Tarly 33/1
  • Varys 33/1
  • Euron Greyjoy 40/1
  • Jamie Lannister 50/1
  • Davos 80/1
My money's on Sansa. My wife sez the Mother of Dragons buys the farm tonight on Mother's Day along with her dragon. Tyrion is 5/1. I'll buy that, and Sansa at 3/1. If Bran hits the throne that means Jon is either dead or turns the gig down, the latter more likely than the former since he's already died once.

Those are the odds, baby. Read em and weep.