George H.W. Bush - Passes away at 94

I did not always agree with his policies or his politics, but he was the last of an era and generation. He was an honorable man, family man, patriotic, believed in duty and service to country. I admired him for a bunch of reasons.

I never met him, but I saw him. My sister lived right outside of Houston and we were in west Houston at a big-ass mall, the Galleria, and we saw him and a couple other people and his protection detail.

Gentle but strong, self-deprecating, funny, humble, a real statesman and diplomat.
Fine President and strong Commander in Chief...don't recall any negativity except that I wished he would have truly ran for reelection... possibly saving our nation from a future embarrassment. Proud to have served under his command.
Last weekend I was having a reunion of sorts with an old Army buddy.

The plan was to hit the range and then do a 15 mile ruck with a veterans group the next day.

However, I didn’t expect to wake on the day of the ruck to discover our wartime Commander in Chief had passed on.

Taps was played by the VFW color guard before we stepped off and I thought about him throughout the ruck.

At the rucks end we gave the old warrior innumorus toasts.