You have to understand that Girl Scout Troops are not set up like Boy Scout Troops are. They don't remain with the Scouts coming and going. The Same group of girls will go through Daisies, Brownies and Juniors together, often you'll receive a combination of troops to form a Senior Troop. But once they graduate it disappears, there is no institutional knowledge like in a Boy Scout Troop and even Scout Pack. They tend to be operated out of someone's house and not a church ground.
Because of that you have a severe lack of resources within the Troop to execute your camping stuff with near the same frequency. However, my sister's Troop did go camping about 3x per year when she was in Seniors, and still went to Scout Camp in the summer.
So if you want your daughter to go camping, take her camping, if you want your daughter to be a scout and go camping, become the adult volunteer to lead a Girl Scout Troop. Everyone has their own story in scouts, My troop sucked, hell it almost folded until a bunch of Dads became ASMs and started to lifting some heavy weight for the Woman that was our scout master. We had like 5 Male ASMs that didn't do much for most of the time I was in the troop. I'm glad it turned around and now rivals the size of the Mormon troop in town.