Girls Now Allowed To Join Boy Scouts

Never seen a Girl Scout pack/troop/whatever do anything actually physically impressive like that.

You're right. The most physical anything I ever saw was at the yearly birthday party for the founder, Juliette Low: They get all the troops to combine and create a giant circle. It took all day with a break for lunch.
I don't have an issue if it's Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, or Scouts of XYZ. Just as long as it's clear the service it's providing so parents can make an informed decision. I'm going to base my decision on what my children want and where they are at in their development. My twin girls want ONLY to spend time with girls at the moment, so if I was thinking outdoors, I'd go with Girl Scouts. With little encouragement from me - I'm that mother who can't figure out how to braid my daughters' hair - my girls are little princesses. What I don't like is calling it Boy Scouts and then making a point of including girls. If I took them to a 'Boy Scouts', I can already imagine their outrage at how illogical it is and then having to explain it to them. I feel it's disrespectful of parents who might want their sons to participate in an all male environment for whatever reasons. As a parent of girls, I am honestly fed up of all this gender stuff. It's exhausting and I'm tired of feeling guilty of I don't know what. So many other things to worry about...

I don't even know what the scout situation is Oz. Athletics and karate is higher on my list.
Why not just call it the "Scouts of America" and let in whoever wants to join? Why exclude more than 50% of the population from a dying organization that spends its time teaching valuable skills and life lessons. Never mind the fact that many troops are basically led and maintained by women(mothers), who organize and volunteer their time, money and effort to keep a troop strong.

I concur on "Scouting" in general, but typically only Tigers and Cubs have a large female leadership component with regards to the BSA organization.
You have to understand that Girl Scout Troops are not set up like Boy Scout Troops are. They don't remain with the Scouts coming and going. The Same group of girls will go through Daisies, Brownies and Juniors together, often you'll receive a combination of troops to form a Senior Troop. But once they graduate it disappears, there is no institutional knowledge like in a Boy Scout Troop and even Scout Pack. They tend to be operated out of someone's house and not a church ground.

Because of that you have a severe lack of resources within the Troop to execute your camping stuff with near the same frequency. However, my sister's Troop did go camping about 3x per year when she was in Seniors, and still went to Scout Camp in the summer.
So if you want your daughter to go camping, take her camping, if you want your daughter to be a scout and go camping, become the adult volunteer to lead a Girl Scout Troop. Everyone has their own story in scouts, My troop sucked, hell it almost folded until a bunch of Dads became ASMs and started to lifting some heavy weight for the Woman that was our scout master. We had like 5 Male ASMs that didn't do much for most of the time I was in the troop. I'm glad it turned around and now rivals the size of the Mormon troop in town.
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I was a Boy Scout and a Sea Explorer. According to the manuals, girls have cooties. I was not aware an anti-cootie vaccine had been developed.
"Scout" is an offensive term... I suggest they just change the name to "Super Adventure Club of America"
Stick a fork in it gents. Scouting as we knew it is dead, deader, deadest....

Condoms must now be made available at Boy Scouts global gathering | Daily Mail Online

The Boy Scouts will ensure that condoms will be made 'readily and easily accessible' at its global gathering this summer, it has been revealed.

Rules now require that the host organization of the World Scout Jamboree provide condoms at a 'number of locations' for staff and participants during the event.
From the article: "The World Scout Jamboree is meant to be a 'celebration of cultural exchange..."

It's a semen swap jamboree...the genesis of a New World Order.
Local girls talk about joining first all-girls Boy Scout troop in DeKalb County

Just so we understand this, women fought for the right to be included in with the Boy Scouts. Now that they are, they want to be all inclusive and not allow the boys?

Ummm, isn't that why the Girl Scouts exist?

Sometimes I wonder if this country has anyone intelligent left in it when I read crap like this......

Local girls talk about joining first all-girls Boy Scout troop in DeKalb County
Local girls talk about joining first all-girls Boy Scout troop in DeKalb County

Just so we understand this, women fought for the right to be included in with the Boy Scouts. Now that they are, they want to be all inclusive and not allow the boys?

Ummm, isn't that why the Girl Scouts exist?

Sometimes I wonder if this country has anyone intelligent left in it when I read crap like this......

Local girls talk about joining first all-girls Boy Scout troop in DeKalb County
From what I found, the Scouts put out regulations for male/female troops on 1FEB19, and it does not allow for mixed gendered troops currently. So less excluding the boys, and more just following the organizations rules. Still doesn't make sense to integrate only this much.