Gold Star Family Booed

The American Airlines flight from Sacramento was delayed, leaving about 45 minutes behind schedule, according to Stewart Perry, and time was running out for the family to make their connecting flight in Phoenix.

When the plane arrived in Arizona, the captain announced that everyone was to remain seated to allow the Perry family to leave first.

“When he made that announcement, there was some hissing and some booing behind us,” said Perry, who was sitting in first class.

Everyone is patriotic until it inconveniences them. In this case their flight is delayed and they might miss THEIR connection. Suddenly a grieving families' own personal challenges become less important to those around them.

Obviously I'd never "boo" or say anything, but I can at least understand the frustration other passengers may be feeling when they too have connections they need to make and are already delayed 45 minutes.
How in the hell did all this happen? We have somehow flushed all of the forward progress in race relations, and respect for our military. It seems the leadership of this nation has taken our culture back to the mid-1960's. We have a lot of rebuilding to do, as well as taking responsibility for one's actions.

ETA: Rest In God's Own Peace, Sgt Perry. You and your family deserve better than the selfish, ignorant horde on the aircraft that carried you and your family, showed.

To those passengers who showed such selfish, and shameful behavior, may you see the gates of hell on your passing.
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I'd beat the shit out of those mofos without thinking. How dare they disrespect a Soldier and his Gold Star Family in such a way.
People in mass, in general are nothing but fucking whiny sheep that do not care for anybody else but themselves. This does not surprise me and frankly, I am also surprised that there is not some different way to make sure OUR fallen are transported home, and not in the belly of a 747. Sure, I can get mad and I am but there is a special place in hell for each and every one of those jerk offs that acted the fool, further making a stressful time, even more horrific for that poor family. It's called karma and she is a bitch....

I'd beat the shit out of those mofos without thinking. How dare they disrespect a Soldier and his Gold Star Family in such a way.

Sure you would big guy. I'm sure you would have fun in federal prison. :rolleyes:

I don't know all the circumstances, were they told this was the reasoning behind the wait?
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Sure you would big guy. I'm sure you would have fun in federal prison. :rolleyes:

I don't know all the circumstances, were they told this was the reasoning behind the wait?
I guess you would know what I would and wouldn't do man.
I'd beat the shit out of those mofos without thinking. How dare they disrespect a Soldier and his Gold Star Family in such a way.

You have much to learn before you enlist. I can guarantee you that you are no more patriotic than I am, but your reply is strictly emotional based. Warriors don't go off of that. I hope that attitude changes before you join -- I sincerely do because I want to see you succeed.
Since I am attempting to learn new things, how would you guys have handled that had you been on that flight?
Personally, I would have looked at them like the clowns they are and then I would have laughed at them and remembered that I -- and those like me -- defended the very rights they exercised by proving to me they were clowns by their actions.

Then, I would have solemnly recognized the fact that I was honored to be on a flight with a fallen Warrior and would have let his parents know so. I would have shown them the respect they deserved.

There will always be disrespectful tools out there. They will boo warriors and burn our flag. That is their right. I think they are stupid idiots, but, I don't get caught up in it.

Trust me brother, by not slapping them into next week, doesn't mean you are less patriotic than they simply means you are the "Bigger Guy" while they are tools and clowns.
Since I am attempting to learn new things, how would you guys have handled that had you been on that flight?

As a passenger , I would have taken their picture and slap it all over social media. As a family member, my thoughts would be with my dead son/daughter.

Often times in life we let the small stuff eat us alive that we forget about the large things that we should really be focusing our energy on. With that being said though, at the end of the day, everything is small and we should all do a better job of trying shrug off everything life throws at us because there are only two outcomes in this world, birth and death. Why let something like this make you either a felon?
When I PCS'ed from Germany to CONUS in '82, we had a connecting flight at JFK. Our flight was late because of headwinds. The connector had to wait for us about 45min. We were not booed, but our reception was frosty. Our family of five were split up among empty seats, and no one would switch with us. My son was about 6, and one of the crew pulled down a jump seat in the back and sat with him for take off and landing. They left the seat down so my wife and I could switch off sitting with him during the flight. The rest of the passengers were shitheads, and it made for a rough time with jet lag and all.
That blows. Ingrates.

Speaking of shitheads/regarding the original post - California can't fall into the ocean soon enough.
That blows. Ingrates.

Speaking of shitheads/regarding the original post - California can't fall into the ocean soon enough.

Plate tectonics will not allow it to ever fall into the ocean. Geology 101