Gold Star Family Booed

Since I am attempting to learn new things, how would you guys have handled that had you been on that flight?

As I said, people in general are fucking jerk offs and you will never be able to control them, let alone their feelings when people are stressed or what ever. Me, I would have paid my respects the best way I could, maybe offer to assist somehow to lessen their horror show and keep my mouth shut. As I said, karma is a bitch and the jerk offs that bitched and ached will get theirs in life. Besides, say you decide to go all rambo on the idiots. Some federal air marshal drops you, cuffs you, federal charges and you are the fucking fool in the show of popular opinion. It's like the stolen warrior shit. Sure, I would love to curb stomp some fucker for posing as an S.F. SEAL Ranger space shuttle door gunner but I get pinched and the sheeple watching it on the news and you tube will think YOU are the bully. There are ways to handle it.....

Screenshot_20161120-083106.png From one of my good buddies widow, who had an infant that less than 2 months old (he was lucky enough to fly home for the birth of his son before heading back to be with his team) with her when she escorted her husband home from Dover. What you or I would do in that situation is irrelevant because it isn't about us.
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I have a hard time believing the people who booed knew the family was escorting a fallen soldier home. It seems like the airline could have explained that better. I can understand people being frustrated about possibly missing connections if all they were told was "a special military family". That could mean a thousand things, and being veterans doesn't mean we're owed special treatment everywhere. I think the crew, or the father, after the boos, should have come up on the intercom and said something to the effect of, "We are escorting our son's body home after he was killed serving overseas. Thank you for your patience and understanding, and we apologize for any inconvenience." I bet the people who booed would have felt like absolute shit, and the subtle point was the one to make here.
I think it's another media pumped story for ratings and to get mindless humans to be led to think. Body snatchers are what the media is. After the election they are nothing but bad entertainment. I agree with above. Who hasn't hated sitting on the tarmac while TSA goes through previous flight baggage for treats. Ignore
I think it's another media pumped story for ratings and to get mindless humans to be led to think. Body snatchers are what the media is. After the election they are nothing but bad entertainment. I agree with above. Who hasn't hated sitting on the tarmac while TSA goes through previous flight baggage for treats. Ignore

I agree. As knee-jerk "patriotic" as Americans are when it comes to the military, I've got to imagine there is more to it than "Please sit still while the family of a dead US service member de-planes."
I don't know how patriotic people are, I think most actually aren't and it is fake. I'm unsure if the Casualty Assistance Officer was with the family but usually the mission of the CAO is not done for some time so a uniformed NCO should have been present I would believe.

Not sure what the policy is against announcing on the flight, but I would want to the pilot to announce that they were escorting a fallen servicemen home to rest and ask for their patience when they took off.