I'm on personal leave until tomorrow. but gong over some course work while waiting for tomorrow.
Currently getting into female hygiene, and female genital care, and nursing assistants role in female genital care in the gynecological setting, and working Obstetrics.
And a scenario has come up. and I have no clue how to answer it, I've gone through the laws and ethics again, and gone over techniques, but anyways, here it goes:
You're assigned to provide gynocological care to a pregnant female suffering from a yeast infection, as well as remove a catheter, and insert a newer, more sterilized one. the patient has a phobia of physical contact, is mentally unstable, and is suffering from withdrawls. Suddenly, a green vaginal discharge occurs.
The patient is incapable of performing activities of daily living.
How do you proceed?
Personally, I haven't gotten into mental health all that much (it's not emphasized that much).
In regards to military medical, do you gentleman (and ladies, for those few who're on the board) ever work with things like the above"?
What about in NREMT-B?
And in regards to the above scenario, any aid as to how someone on the CNA level could proceed? I know how the catheters supposed to be done, as well as a yeast infection is supposed to be treated, but how should a "priority list" so to speak look like?
Mental issues?
I know how to work individual issues, but never done multiple issues at once.
Currently getting into female hygiene, and female genital care, and nursing assistants role in female genital care in the gynecological setting, and working Obstetrics.
And a scenario has come up. and I have no clue how to answer it, I've gone through the laws and ethics again, and gone over techniques, but anyways, here it goes:
You're assigned to provide gynocological care to a pregnant female suffering from a yeast infection, as well as remove a catheter, and insert a newer, more sterilized one. the patient has a phobia of physical contact, is mentally unstable, and is suffering from withdrawls. Suddenly, a green vaginal discharge occurs.
The patient is incapable of performing activities of daily living.
How do you proceed?
Personally, I haven't gotten into mental health all that much (it's not emphasized that much).
In regards to military medical, do you gentleman (and ladies, for those few who're on the board) ever work with things like the above"?
What about in NREMT-B?
And in regards to the above scenario, any aid as to how someone on the CNA level could proceed? I know how the catheters supposed to be done, as well as a yeast infection is supposed to be treated, but how should a "priority list" so to speak look like?
Mental issues?
I know how to work individual issues, but never done multiple issues at once.