Tomorrow, the Minister of Defense, Leon Panetta, after an eight-month strategic review, will announce the program of the Pentagon budget cuts.
According to press reports the cuts will lead to a further easing of the U.S. presence in Europe ("The review is expected to the proposed removal of another brigade of Army combat troops from Europe, still leaving two brigades on the continent, one administration official said. A brigade Consists of some 3.000 to 4.000 troops DEPENDING ON ITS configuration ") and renunciation of the so-called "two-warposture" or the ability to fight and win two wars simultaneously.
Needless to say, decisions that have global relevance of this kind by the U.S. government.
According to press reports the cuts will lead to a further easing of the U.S. presence in Europe ("The review is expected to the proposed removal of another brigade of Army combat troops from Europe, still leaving two brigades on the continent, one administration official said. A brigade Consists of some 3.000 to 4.000 troops DEPENDING ON ITS configuration ") and renunciation of the so-called "two-warposture" or the ability to fight and win two wars simultaneously.
Needless to say, decisions that have global relevance of this kind by the U.S. government.