Have Yourselves A Merry Little Christmas....


Rest In Peace
Oct 19, 2006
And remember all those elsewhere, in harms way, away from home and loved ones this year.

Merry Christmas to all!

Know that all of you -- both at home and away -- are in our thoughts and prayers for this holiday season.

Enjoy them to the fullest and stay safe!
May all your holidays be filled with the love and joy that is unique to this time of year. Stay warm, stay safe, and be merry.
Aim High. Why not both?

SEAL Team 6 is not allowed to use Santa's sleigh for insertions... no way to pull off both missions in the same night without it... DUH!!! Wow, can't you tell by the dress uniform that Santa is a friggin old school Marine (the Reds have been relegated to only the USMC Band and Silent Drill Team IIRC).... and MARSOC has not been deemed 'cool' enough for all the press it would generate.
SEAL Team 6 is not allowed to use Santa's sleigh for insertions... no way to pull off both missions in the same night without it... DUH!!! Wow, can't you tell by the dress uniform that Santa is a friggin old school Marine (the Reds have been relegated to only the USMC Band and Silent Drill Team IIRC).... and MARSOC has not been deemed 'cool' enough for all the press it would generate.
What about Delta?
Merry Christmas to all. And to those of you, or those with family, in harm's way, a special prayer for you. Much love and happiness to everyone now and in the year to come.