Hey Sean Penn...

He's been a douchebag uber leftist for years. I'm glad he unwittingly led the authorities to this fine, upstanding citizen of Mexico.
It has to kill him, (forgive the pun), that nearly EVERY article on Chappo now contains some variation of the phrase, "Sean Penn leads authorities to El Chappo"
Yep, his security budget just quadrupled. His bitch ass will be running around with armed to the teeth PSD team, probably while talking some anti gun/war/drug war bullshit, mean while those dudes protecting his sorry ass, will be armed, and more than likely Iraq/Afghanistan or LE veterans.
Good thing no one reads the Daily Mail...especially drug cartel members who just saw their boss recaptured and on his way to the US.

He is just another hypocritical tool from Hollywood!

Leading them to Bad Guy Alpha was probably the only good thing he has done in years...and that was unintentional!
Did you guys read the story about the interview that he did for Rolling Stone? El Chapo Speaks
It's pretty lengthy and interesting, but somewhat of a letdown. It's beat journalism and mostly focuses on Penn's impressions of the efforts required to actually gain access to El Chapo, as well as the events around his capture.

Originally, Penn had a brief introductory meeting with the drug kingpin, and had planned to do the real interview some eight days later. However, because of the aforementioned raids on El Chapo's residences, the actual interview had to be conducted via video tape. The transcript of the interview is tacked on almost as an afterthought, which sucks, but obviously extenuating circumstances prevented a sit-down.

Regardless of what you think of Penn's politics, he managed to present a pretty interesting and insightful look into a major cartel boss, and (in my opinion) he managed to do it in a pretty dispassionate way. In the piece, El Chapo isn't lionized, and Penn manages to avoid making any normative statements, with the sole exception being a short screed against US drug policy. It's worth a read even if you don't like the guy.
Scarlet Johansson is living about a 1km from me while she's filming a movie. I'll go over tonight with a bottle of bubbly and a cheeky grin and see if I can't undo the spoilage.

Of all the wannabes on this site and their dreams, pull this off and you are in a hall of fame. Your name shall be legend, your user id immortal.