Hey Sean Penn...

Erm yeah they can.

If by help, you mean it's them going to pieces when they bump the ignition and not the client, then yeah. To top it off, Penn has to worry about the age old saying about everyone having a price. PSD's aren't immune to corruption. If the price is right, all it takes is just one compromised bodyguard to give someone access to something other than the brake lines and ignition switch, if the compromised element isn't actually bought off to commit the crime himself. The cartels have very deep pockets, and more patience than the average American. Then again, so do gnats, hummingbirds, and most inanimate objects.

Even if the PSD is successful in the physical act of staving off the homicide of Sean Penn, his life is going to suck a dick because he's going to be looking over his shoulder for a long time to come. No PSD can protect from paranoia.
I was arguing the "help" bit, not that it's an impossibility. EDIT: In fact I wouldn't say I was arguing it more than making a quick point.

I still stand by that he's too high profile for them to hit. Also, I'd imagine whoever takes over from Guzman will be quite happy Penn accidentally sent him to a US prison and will leave him alone.
My opinion of "too high profile to hit" is Donald Trump, POTUS, Hillary Clinton, Mark Zuckerburg, and whatnot. Facebook keeps the Zuck on the front pages every day, and the other names speak for themselves. Just because Sean Penn enjoys widespread name recognition doesn't mean he's not too high profile to hit. It's going to come down to whether he thinks he needs to spend the dosh to hire an adequate PSD if they decide he's worth the effort. If they decide he is worth the effort, then will one of his Central/South American communist comrades fill the role of benefactor and intercede for Penn's life?
I was arguing the "help" bit, not that it's an impossibility. EDIT: In fact I wouldn't say I was arguing it more than making a quick point.

I still stand by that he's too high profile for them to hit. Also, I'd imagine whoever takes over from Guzman will be quite happy Penn accidentally sent him to a US prison and will leave him alone.
El Chapo's blood family may not be happy, and that's where any contract will come from; unless El Chapo squeals like a pig, then all bets are off.
If by help, you mean it's them going to pieces when they bump the ignition and not the client, then yeah. To top it off, Penn has to worry about the age old saying about everyone having a price. PSD's aren't immune to corruption. If the price is right, all it takes is just one compromised bodyguard to give someone access to something other than the brake lines and ignition switch, if the compromised element isn't actually bought off to commit the crime himself. The cartels have very deep pockets, and more patience than the average American. Then again, so do gnats, hummingbirds, and most inanimate objects.

Even if the PSD is successful in the physical act of staving off the homicide of Sean Penn, his life is going to suck a dick because he's going to be looking over his shoulder for a long time to come. No PSD can protect from paranoia.

True. It still comes down to plata o plomo, silver or lead. You take the money or the bullet but either way the cartel wins. Nobody is immune to corruption when faced with that choice. Ask any number of Columbian and Mexican judges, politicians, police officers, private security and military people. Sean Penn is not some beloved figure who's death would spur massive retaliation against the cartels. He's just another dumbshit Hollywood turd in way over his head.
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