How Not to Lead

Sounds like a case of to many Chiefs and not enough Indians in our defense sector.
Generals do too much non-military shit. State Department needs to take back some of the nation to nation shit GO's do.
Congress, is also to blame as a Col testifying isn't believable, but a BG testifying is totally accepted.
Generals do too much non-military shit. State Department needs to take back some of the nation to nation shit GO's do.
Congress, is also to blame as a Col testifying isn't believable, but a BG testifying is totally accepted.
Fucking congress. We always used to joke about higher echelon officers doing good idea fairy BS, fucking us over in the process, to get their star. Now I have a better idea as to why, Congressional idiocy rolls downhill. :hmm:
I had a former squadron commander fired for banging his exec and filing false expense reports (dinners that were in the thousands of dollars).

He retained his rank and became the project officer for an airframe upgrade. As of this writing, he has maintainied his pay grade (O-5).

Oh, she made did her husband.
I've got one going, but this time I'm going to write it out in its entirety before I start posting bits of it here. Maybe this way it won't take a whole year to conclude.
Your readers right now.

Happy So Excited GIF
I had a friend who said he'd cheat on his wife for a 7. Guessing that's what Petraeus was dealing with, wife was also going through Breast Cancer treatments at the time...wait, he sounds like the Military version of John Edwards.
I had a friend who said he'd cheat on his wife for a 7. Guessing that's what Petraeus was dealing with, wife was also going through Breast Cancer treatments at the time...wait, he sounds like the Military version of John Edwards.
I brought a room to absolute silence when I said I'd fuck their wives before I touched their bank accounts.

Cancer requires a different social contract altogether. That's next level shit. Some have been there. 9 years in Afghanistan means my marriage is a roll of the dice where cancer is concerned. The shit I inhaled...

As Ratt put it at the end of Point Break (the GOOD version, the proper version), nobody rides for free.

And so it goes.