Would Lt Faith hit it if all the other men in the company had hit it first and he was the only one who didn't have a Ranger tab? What would his First Sergeant say? What would his men think of him if he refused to take sloppy 156ths? How would hitting it or not hitting it effect Lt. Faith's future career? If you were Lt Faith's commanding officer and found out he didn't hit it would you A. Berate him in front of the company formation? B. Promote him to Captain? C. Have him shot in front of a firing squad? Conversely, if you were same-said commanding officer and Lt Faith came to you with complaints of terminal dick rot and extreme chanker sores, would you charge him with damaging government property, or buy him a round of mezcal shooters in some seedy bar on Hay Street and tell him when his dick falls off he can reenlist as a woman.