Intelligence Analyst Job Interview

I don't know whether to laugh or cry. :confused:
If it helps any, here's the Comm version:

"I want to be a l33t hax0r."
"We are interviewing for a help desk position."
"My personal computer can run Crysis at 400 fps and I've played through the entire Halo series on the hardest difficulty."
"That's great, but can you reset a user's account?"
"My personal network has 1.2 teraflops of storage and I've read Kevin Mitnick's book. I've taken classes in C++ and COBOL at my community college and wrote an exploit for Windows 95."
"Yeah, we haven't used Windows 95 in forever. Are you familiar with Remedy or CiscoWorks?Do you have any certifications?"
"That goth chick on NCIS is hot, but I'm smarter than her. I once built my own Linux computer. I am l33t."

Or something to that effect.
If it helps any, here's the Comm version:

"I want to be a l33t hax0r."
"We are interviewing for a help desk position."
"My personal computer can run Crysis at 400 fps and I've played through the entire Halo series on the hardest difficulty."
"That's great, but can you reset a user's account?"
"My personal network has 1.2 teraflops of storage and I've read Kevin Mitnick's book. I've taken classes in C++ and COBOL at my community college and wrote an exploit for Windows 95."
"Yeah, we haven't used Windows 95 in forever. Are you familiar with Remedy or CiscoWorks?Do you have any certifications?"
"That goth chick on NCIS is hot, but I'm smarter than her. I once built my own Linux computer. I am l33t."

Or something to that effect.

No D&D? No Magic: the Gathering? Can't be accurate.... :D
When I was doing my initial training course we had an intel analyst come in and give us a talk about the state of organised crime and they used it as an opportunity for us to ask questions about intel as well. Me being the sexy beast I was before put my hand up...

"Do you guys do any field work or do you work solely in an office?"

(My line of thinking was they might do collection work as well, I really didn't know anything about them).

I had to buy beer that night.
"I have been to the spy museum. I want to see area 51!"
