

Jun 13, 2012
The north
Evening/morning gentlemen,

The name's D-man because I play defense in hockey, and yes I am Canadian (Canada for gold!). Been reading the forum for a while, lots of great information and insight on here. I have interest in getting to CANSOFCOM one day but I understand the 25m goals. I've got my final test (interview) coming up before I'm sworn in and I know I need to focus on BMQ before I even think about selection.

Anyways, figured it was time I made my intro post on here. Thank you all for your service.
Weclome Hoser!

Nice win against the Fins, and even better that Doughty did it in O.T. without having to F-around with a shootout.

See ya in the finals!
Weclome Hoser!

Nice win against the Fins, and even better that Doughty did it in O.T. without having to F-around with a shootout.

See ya in the finals!

Round 2? ;-) crosbyusa.jpg

Welcome. What trade did you get suckered into? ;-)

Infantry. It was my only choice, I knew what I wanted. But I'm well aware it's going to be a gut-check and a half.

I know this is an old intro but just wondering how it's going with your progress, hope all is well.

Well infantry was closed for too long so I chose a different path. I'm in the Navy now as a boatswain. I love it out here, Hopefully I'll get on the naval boarding party course soon.
Well infantry was closed for too long so I chose a different path. I'm in the Navy now as a boatswain. I love it out here, Hopefully I'll get on the naval boarding party course soon.

Good stuff, congrats. You should apply to get vetted on here and get yourself a 'Verified Military' tab, sounds like you've earned it.