First and foremost thank you to the mods for creating/maintaining this site. Without it I don't know where else to find all this great info. My name is Jess, 25 yr old M from Northern California. I'm a Fire/EMT in a fairly large metro area and am just starting nursing school for my BSN and long term hopefully CRNA. Prior degrees in political science, criminal justice and global studies. I've always had a desire to serve but wasn't quite sure what I wanted to do or where I'd fit. Thanks to this site I've learned about various medical positions in the branches and now seek guidance on higher tempo nursing/medical jobs for when I finish school. I'm athletic, motivated and want to do something fast pace before I get too old or settled down. Aside from nursing, I've also recently liked what I've been reading about guard SF options... so I've got lots more to learn and discuss! Thank you!