

Sep 7, 2019
Bay Area, California
Hello all, taking the necessary steps to join the community and immersive myself further in the culture to gather more knowledge and perhaps learn something new for the Army SOF pipeline.

Recent college graduate working an office job, sick of corporate America, no fulfillment via monetary means, degree in economics. Grew up between Lima, Peru and the SF Bay Area. Grew up dirt broke, saw real poverty first hand growing up in the shit parts of Lima. Never stopped me from having a optimistic outlook. Always enjoyed the adrenaline high doing mischievous things as a youth and playing cops and robbers and having BB wars on my street growing up. Who doesn’t.

Have family who was in the military back in my home country, specifically my old man and grandfather. Naturally I felt at home being around tanks, armored vehicles when they had drills at the beach, jets and troops running around. Honestly I miss it.

I have this never ending thirst to reach this goal of joining the SF community and will do whatever necessary to achieve it.

Currently working on my fitness before joining up; since I can’t land an 18x contract (still a permanent resident) probably will have to soak some experience as 11b and apply for naturalization after basic. With hopes for a shot at SFAS after 2 years?

Swimming 3 days a week and a combination of weights, calisthenics, yoga and running. For now. Any advice or mentor connections would be helpful.

As Goggins would say, Stay hard.