Is this guy legitimate?

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Verified Military
Dec 8, 2009
(Sorry this is kinda long but I don't want to leave out details)

I got a call about 25 minutes ago from my girlfriend, both of us are into MMA for getting in shape and general fitness etc etc.

The full story of it all seems a little sketchy to say the least. She started talking to a security guard at a bank who said he worked for DHS in some regard and was training in various martial arts. He said he would be interesting in training us if we would like in forms of martial arts that are not taught in MMA (Weapons, Weapon retention/disarmament), he said his instructor was a Navy SEAL (ret.).

Apparently he had called him and he was close by (Just happened to be), and they all talked for about half an hour about what he could offer us in terms of training. He offered to train us in his basement which was setup if we were comfortable with it, but would not be opposed to training us where we felt comfortable (Which would be done at the Stevenson University campus here in Owings Mills MD). He also said he had trained an instructor affiliated with my gym (John Rallo for what its worth, apart of Ground Control). Edit: He offered to train us for 40$ an hour.

The man's name is Drew Gurk (Gurrk, Girk, the spelling im not sure about but its pronounced the way its spelled), resides nearby Owings Mills Maryland. Does anyone know of this person, deployed with him or any other way can verify him? Ill try and get a service number and dates ASAP.
Poke around over at You might get a quck response with this type of story. Probably should PM your story to one of the SEAL moderators over there.

SOF guy's don't take kindly to frauds, especially if their hanging their instructing credentials on being a former Navy SEAL.

Good Luck.
X2 on I've watched them work on posers and it ain't purty but it sure is fun! BTW, if the other guy works for DHS, why is he a security guard in a bank?
you might also want to run a check through DHS as well
I'm sure they'd be interested as well.
The Martial Arts world in general is a small circle, much like SOF
somebody knows somebody
I'll poke around my sources and get you any feedback I receive
X2 on I've watched them work on posers and it ain't purty but it sure is fun! BTW, if the other guy works for DHS, why is he a security guard in a bank?

If you're an employee of a FLEA, even a non-sworn employee, you have to jump through some pretty PITA paperwork to get a second job. Why would you do all that paperwork to make $5 an hour as a bank guard, especially if you have a kick-ass job with DHS.
Besides the fact that if he is Parading as a SEAL, isn't it a federal offense to put yourself off as a DHS employee? Like FBI, CIA and all the other alphabet organizations. Not sure.
Update: Apparently he gave my girlfriend his phone number :evil:

Well I called, and had send the thing I wrote up on my first post to both VeriSEAL and P.O.W Network, they are running a check on him now. His voice mail was actually a lady at his company, his last name is not Gurk its Gertz.

John Rallo said the guy was bullshit and never heard of him and is now contacting his lawyer to see what he should do about a guy running around using his name all over the place.

As for the DHS thing I don't know what I can do about that, Technically Airport Sceeners (myself at that) are considered under DHS, however! She forgot to tell me that he showed her a badge with DHS credentials which raised red flags and -that- in itself could be a huge issue.

The security guard has a bunch of holes and will probably get arrested for impersonating a police officer, more on what she told me was that he has a radar gun and can give out speeding tickets and arrest people, but quickly said he was not a cop, and then went into the impersonating a police officer consequences and how hes researched them and that its only a misdemenor. His name is Donnie Moorefield for what that's worth.

Edit: Clarification: Moorefield (security guard) is impersonating (possibly) someone from DHS, and a cop. Gertz, is impersonating himself as a SEAL and the trainer of John Rallo.

To make matters even better. (Gertz)

Even if its NOLLE PROSEQUI, my corrections friend who's running a check on him said that don't mean he did not do it, just the case was dropped.

This is a big fucking mess because my girlfriend has no idea what questions to ask when anyone says anything like this, however she got their numbers but sadly gave hers to them as well.

This will all be posted up on NavySEALs as well. Thank you all for your suggestions.
My wife worked for DHS. I wonder why she never became a bank security guard, too? Maybe it was because she was deployed...but we coulda used the extra $80 a week....;)

One thing I've discovered in my lifetime...and this applies to posers, too...if it sounds too good to be true, it usually is.
Why is your girl giving out HER number to strange men?

Exactly my thought, there was a conversation about this, to understand it all you would have to be there to see her reactions in person.

Last update.

So P.O.W Network is running a check, but its useless now.

Mr.Gertz admitted over the phone he was not a SEAL after I confronted him about it, he said he never trained Rallo, and has no 9th degree black belt in whatever he said, but did say he had 27 years of experience in martial arts. He still insisted he has Navy SEAL training because his "friend" was a Navy SEAL and "trained" him for 18 years though he refused to give that man's name. Afterward he said have I heard of "Frank Coochie" I said no, how do you spell it? He said I don't know but he makes those Navy SEAL training tapes for Martial Arts and thats basically the same thing as SEAL training (I shit you not).

He kept apologizing that things went this far and said Moorefield was not to be trusted on anything he said and denied everything he said about him. However he did say he was still interested in teaching people self defense. The run around he gave me about my instructor was. I trained him, then he said I trained under him, then he said his brother in law trained him, then he said his brother in law trained under him, then he finally said his brother in law just lifted weights with him.

Mr.Moorefield however...It turns out he was a DHS Contractor not a federal employee which he kept messing up during our a security guard. He is no longer on contract with the company, but kept the ID and Uniform and showed it without being asked. Gertz has said Moorefield has no knowledge in martial arts but offers to train people anytime, and his black belts are fabricated (Considering he said he went from White to 2nd degree Black in Kenpo Karate). I informed him he should not be showing his ID around while carrying a firearm and saying he can arrest people...then saying hes not a cop. (Apparently he does not know the difference between detain and arrest).

When he asked where I worked I told him DHS for TSA as a screener, he then assumed that DHS is a LEA (false) and that I was a police officer (false again), also assuming we had the same training in tactics and weapons. (I'm not even armed, and informed him of that several times, nor can I even physically detain someone). He then told me he was refused from the Navy reserves, but is applying to the SS Uniform Division, then had the audacity at the end of this entire situation to ask "So are you guys hiring?".

(Random Info here, He asked my girlfriend to come train in his basement, but not tell anyone about it, not boyfriend, dad, or anyone...That this is secret stuff - They had already exchanged numbers at this point, which is why she called after hearing this.)

He then called me back and left a voicemail saying that nothing he did was illegal, saying he can show his ID, that he talked to his secret service agent friend who had said he committed no felony just that he could not flash it around without asking, like at night clubs and stuff , he then said him and Mr.Gertz were both "legit guys". He then told me I can not make phonecalls like that and that he was upset over this, but that my girlfriend was nice.
Mr.Moorefield however...It turns out he was a DHS Contractor not a federal employee which he kept messing up during our a security guard. He is no longer on contract with the company, but kept the ID and Uniform and showed it without being asked. Gertz has said Moorefield has no knowledge in martial arts but offers to train people anytime, and his black belts are fabricated (Considering he said he went from White to 2nd degree Black in Kenpo Karate). I informed him he should not be showing his ID around while carrying a firearm and saying he can arrest people...then saying hes not a cop. (Apparently he does not know the difference between detain and arrest).

The rest of this (all the stuff I cut out of your post) is BS; he just needs his ass beat to solve those problems. I doubt the "SEAL skills" he learned on his Betamax are going to keep his ass safe. As for the part I highlighted above this IS a major deal. If you know for a FACT he's done this; i.e. you've personally witnessed him displaying DHS ID, credentials, badge; all you need to do is call the DHS Office of the Inspector General (DHS OIG) and report him. Pretnding to be a federal agent of any sort when you are not is a BIG deal to the OIG. His ass will be in a sling so fast he'll think he's going through the seventh circle of hell.
(Random Info here, He asked my girlfriend to come train in his basement, but not tell anyone about it, not boyfriend, dad, or anyone...That this is secret stuff - They had already exchanged numbers at this point, which is why she called after hearing this.)

EXCUSE ME??!! Some friggin poser stranger asks your lady to meet him in his basement and not tell a soul and you aren't even the least bit concerned???? It's classed as random info?? Man up BOY!!!!
Even ones that have "FREE CANDY" written on the side of their pedo vans? What if it said "FREE BOOZE"? :evil:
If you are going to tell it..tell it like it happened. YOU told me it was free Matches!
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