Israel and Iran

I take a different tack, so I'd like to hear your thoughts. Mine... Israel has done whatever it wanted under the current administration.

Let's assume Trump wins in 6 weeks. How does that change Israel's actions?

Without having any intel, just pure speculation, I think the difference in the administrations is whether or not israel decides to take further action in Iran. If the USA has a weak President, then they absolutely keep going, full force. If it's Trump, I think they show restraint.
I take a different tack, so I'd like to hear your thoughts. Mine... Israel has done whatever it wanted under the current administration.

Let's assume Trump wins in 6 weeks. How does that change Israel's actions?
Current administration has been pressuring Israel to declare victory and accept whatever ceasefire terms they present.
Bibi hasn't folded under the pressure.
Current administration has been pressuring Israel to declare victory and accept whatever ceasefire terms they present.
Bibi hasn't folded under the pressure.
The current administration is full of libtards who ain't doing shit. Or it's all smoke and mirrors and Israel is just doing our dirty work. But I doubt that since we have terrorists rioting all over our country in support of Hamas and nothing is being done about it.

I have other words to describe the idiots that inhabit the swamp but I'll be slightly more mature about it!
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Without having any intel, just pure speculation, I think the difference in the administrations is whether or not israel decides to take further action in Iran. If the USA has a weak President, then they absolutely keep going, full force. If it's Trump, I think they show restraint.
If President Trump gets re-elected, the changes for a long term solution go up immensely. For one thing, Trump has already demonstrated willingness to stop funding both UNRWA (i.e. Hamas and Hezbollah) and the Palestinian Authority (Fatah), both of which are scams that use our money to perpetuate the conflict, kill our people, and work against our national interests.

A lot of countries are really tired of Iranian-sponsored Palestinian terrorism. But they need strong American leadership, political support, and military support to do anything about it. The Abraham Accords were implemented during the Trump administration. A whole lot of countries had, or were about to, normalize relationships with Israel. There is an argument that Hamas' October 7th attacks happened when they did in order to spoil that process.

Countries like Egypt, Bahrain, Morocco, etc, have already normalized relations with Israel. Under a Trump administration, other Arab and Muslim countries such as Saudi Arabia will follow suit. Additional pressure will then be on Qatar to stop supporting terrorist organizations, which will lead to further degradation of Palestinian terror groups and their "from the river to the sea" goals. They all know that they are better off with Israel than with the chaos (and loss of economic activity) that would result from Israel's destruction. That, combined with their mistrust and sometimes outright hatred of Iran, could set the stage for the Palestinians finally getting their own, viable, and peaceful(ish) state.

Trump is going to be spending most of his time trying to unravel the Ukraine problem, I don't think he's going to pressure Israel the same way that a Harris administration will. In fact, one reason they are doing what they are doing now may be because they worry about what will happen politically if Trump *doesn't* win, not if he does.
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Hezbollah says it’s going to retaliate…but between these decap strikes and the pager detonations, it has to have been decimated. Not to mention the depth of Israeli infiltration, the damage dealt to its command and control, its communications.

The level of fear and distrust at all levels of the organization must be pegging the meter.
Remember that Iranian fuckstain, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad? Well, he reportedly made this hilarious claim during an interview with CNN Turkey:

If this is true, it is just as much of a statement about how hated the regime and the religious cronies are as it is the efficacy of Israeli intel.

Israel has hackers and all that, but just like the strikes in Baghdad, there are a ton of aggrieved people in those societies strike back using the U.S. or Mossad.