John Wick - (NO spoilers)


Sep 12, 2012
The Continental was part of the fun of the film. By killing D'Antonio on property, John has broken the one true rule there; he is now among the hunted and can never go back. That rule appears to be pretty strict, I cannot imagine a believable scenario where he can be welcomed back without penalty...although I do not put it past writers to try and create it.

Overall I loved the movie, not as much as the first one, but very happy that it did not 'suck' Just disappointed by that specific part of the movie because a 'part 3' can really only be about everyone coming after him. We've seen that movie before...dozens of time.
Just came back from this. HOLY SHIT. I never got around to seeing the first one, and now I realize what I'm missing. The gunplay was incredible, the setting was amazing, and the movie just flew by. I laughed my ass off at the very lowkey gunfight at the WTC tunnel.
It was on par with the first. Great follow up. If that doesn't make you want to get into 3 Gun shit I don't know what will. Even more brutal than the first i.e. The pencil scene. And it was funny. Just a great movie over all.
They wasted no time getting his kill count started. Seen it last night.. almost on par with the first. The first will always have the advantage of having him as a widower who we don't know, to showing us he's the boogyman as he's taking a sledge hammer to the concrete floor in his basement.
Saw this today - really good. I thought they would really struggle with a sequel - just rehash scenes from the first or make other sequel mistakes - but I was pleasantly surprised. Really cool to see them embrace the 'underworld' they created for the first movie full bore. The world they've decided to put him in seems like it has a lot of possibilities for other films - even without him.

If I was their marketing person I'd be pitching a live-action series to Netflix, Amazon, HBO, etc. and the ability to mod the characters and environments to the Hitman game series with their intellectual property.
Went and saw it a 2nd time tonight. A few thoughts:

- The cigar at the beginning was an Arturo Fuente God of Fire. I laughed to myself because they must have re-shot scenes a number of times as the length of the cigar kept varying between shots.

- I don't think we've seen the last of the Cassian (the black bodyguard).

- The Subway car fight between Wick and Cassian was awesome, did anyone else notice that none of the passengers were recording the fight on their phones? That actually distracted me because "everyone" records "everything" on their phone.

- I knew I should have bought a Benelli instead of that damn Keltec

- They never really got into the fake coins being produced at the beginning of the movie

- My personal opinion, but I thought there was too much gun play. John Wick (the original) was a somewhat believable action movie. This one, not so much.
Went and saw it a 2nd time tonight. A few thoughts:

- The cigar at the beginning was an Arturo Fuente God of Fire. I laughed to myself because they must have re-shot scenes a number of times as the length of the cigar kept varying between shots.

- I don't think we've seen the last of the Cassian (the black bodyguard).

- The Subway car fight between Wick and Cassian was awesome, did anyone else notice that none of the passengers were recording the fight on their phones? That actually distracted me because "everyone" records "everything" on their phone.

- I knew I should have bought a Benelli instead of that damn Keltec

- They never really got into the fake coins being produced at the beginning of the movie

- My personal opinion, but I thought there was too much gun play. John Wick (the original) was a somewhat believable action movie. This one, not so much.

I thought the same thing on Cassian - thought Common did an awesome job in this. The stuntwork was fantastic - just like the first one - I didn't catch any obvious doubles.

I thought they really invested in the idea there's an underworld beneath the normal world and people understand not to cross over - how they were able to have shoot-outs in public without hitting civilians. Definitely fantasy there but not so beyond the world they created.

The whole shotgun sequence I was thinking about the post of Keanu Reeves practicing someone posted months back. I kept thinking 'wonder if he is going to use that speed-loading technique.' Sure enough, used it twice and thought it was awesome.

I didn't the coins at the beginning were fake. I thought Winston was approving of each batch of coins before they went into circulation - showing they were hand-crafted and markers in a world that was tightly controlled by backbones like the continental. I could be wrong - I just didn't pick up on the forgery thing.

Yeah, they definitely went into die hard 4 territory here - especially with the bulletproof suits. Also, thought some of the dialogue could have been improved like 'I'll kill the, kill them all' - seemed like a missed opportunity. Still, I enjoyed the shit out of that movie and will definitely buy it when it comes out. Also, those stuntmen-turned-directors will be taking more of my money when their next flick comes out.
The whole shotgun sequence I was thinking about the post of Keanu Reeves practicing someone posted months back. I kept thinking 'wonder if he is going to use that speed-loading technique.' Sure enough, used it twice and thought it was awesome.
Just got back from seeing it. I was mildly disappointed that he did not utilize the load 2 or load 4 shell technique; he had the shell caddies on his belt (if they're basically going to do a 3 gun demo, then go all in).

Or maybe better yet try one of these:

^ (sidenote: I may have the opportunity to demo one of these this afternoon; has anyone else here tried one?)

That said, the show was definitely entertaining. Obviously, the entire thing is way over the top but that's part of what makes it so entertaining. One of the things I'm always particularly amused by is the lack of police/law enforcement anywhere and the fact that no one in the crowd scenes ever moves for cover once the bullets start to fly. Great show though. It'll be interesting to see where they take it next because, like @Ooh-Rah, I really like the Continental component of the shows.
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I really enjoyed it. In just the magnificently executed mag changes alone, you could see how much work the actors put in during pre-production. There are still a lot of different story lines available for future installments, to include a John Wick origins flick.

I went hoping to see an action movie filled with cheap thrills. I did not leave disappointed.
He personally kills 72 people in John Wick 1. Yes, I counted during the second viewing. I'm hoping the body count rises in JW2.

A reviewer on TV said the body count is in the 140s in the sequel.

For certain the actors were well trained, and Reeves is a pretty well-accomplished shooter based on the youtube vids that are out.
I counted.

One-Four-Zero. That's assuming the big bastard he shot in both knees in the taxi garage bled to death. And that is not counting the coup de gras for the Signora. His last target, number 140, died with a chunk of filet mignon in his craw.

I stand by those numbers.

Fortis Fortuna Adiuvat.
I really enjoyed it. In just the magnificently executed mag changes alone, you could see how much work the actors put in during pre-production. There are still a lot of different story lines available for future installments, to include a John Wick origins flick.

I went hoping to see an action movie filled with cheap thrills. I did not leave disappointed.

Beautiful gun work.

A ballet of slaughter.
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Just got back, enjoyed it. He had to kill the guy, the little smug shit....but the repercussions suck. I half expected John to ask Charon at the end to watch his dog for a little longer.

Added: Laughed at the question he got from the Italian Continental manager, asking if he was there to "see" the Pope.
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Did anyone else get annoyed at the suggestions made by the Gun Broker in Rome?

"I need guns (please remember that I'm john wick, the baddest mother fucker in the criminal underworld for smoking people)"

"ahhhh yes Mr. Wick - might I suggest the AR-15...."

..... you think John Wick has never heard of a fucking AR-15? Whats the next suggestion you're going to make - a Glock?

Fuck outa here. I get it, civilians watch this shit and probably take notes but I'd like your suggestions to be a little more advanced than a local gun shop "expert."

I didn't get upset at all about the Benelli M4 though.