July 4...

I’m 12 beers deep and 18 hours from a plane ride back to where this Freedom shit kicked off. Let’s all get fucking weird, and Make America Rowdy Again.

Me in 18.5 hours:

And in 20 hours:
I'll be standing by with bail money if you provide video! }:-)
Check YouTube and if you see “6’1” 215 lb Irishman in American flag shirt commandeers plane” then yeah please call the TSA/Chatham county PD because I’ve gone dicks out for Harambe
Check YouTube and if you see “6’1” 215 lb Irishman in American flag shirt commandeers plane” then yeah please call the TSA/Chatham county PD because I’ve gone dicks out for Harambe

In this man's opinion, you are blossoming into one of our most beloved posters. Kids, they grow up so fast!
Thomas, Ben, John and the rest of you guys, thanks for getting together all those years ago, and forging that paper hammer that made us the country we are today.


Happy 4th of July everyone and Thank you all for serving and protecting this freedom I so damn enjoy.
Once upon a time I worked in the surgery trauma ICU at UNC hospitals. We had a transplant surgeon, he was a limey. Great guy, better doc. One year I asked him if he was taking the day off to celebrate the 4th. He said something like, "you ungrateful Americans have no idea how good you had it when you were still British." He was joking. I told him "do you know the official name of our holiday? We call it, 'we kicked your ass' day!"

I have worked with and cross-trained with Royal Marines, and they are excellent, excellent men, loved every minute of it. But this is the one day of the year where I'm allowed to openly display my American superiority.

Patron Saint of America.