Knee Health and Rucking


Sep 18, 2017
Boston, MA
Hey Guys, I went on a ruck last week and kinda banged up my right knee a little. I did 6 miles, boots on, mainly asphalt, with 45 pounds. I was doing a shuffle, not so much a run but not a walk either. It started off a dull annoyance and after I stopped the ruck got painful. Now it's fine unless I run. Anyways I stayed off it for a week and then tried running but after a quarter mile I could feel I wasn't ready for that type of activity again yet. Does anyone else have a similar experience with knee inflammation on rucks? Also I've learned now that you never run with a ruck unless you are in a do-or-die situation as it is likely to cause an issue (learning the hard way :). I'm still going to swim and do whatever lifting / cal that I can while icing and stretching everyday to recover. Just anxious to get back to running and rucking CORRECTLY next time. Thanks!

Hey Red Flag! I've done a good amount of searching on it, more so than looking for information on a knee injury I was looking for anyone's experiences on this site with ruck related knee injuries and how they deal or dealt with said issue. I just had dull pain to the left side of my right knee, below my it band. Just was curious to see if anyone was in the same boat as me, not looking for a diagnosis.
Same exact problem as the OP that happened about a week ago. Literally same knee and spot so I'd also deeply appreciate some guidance such as preventive maintenance, hip swing form, etc. Until then, I'm looking for what Kelly Starrett may suggest.
You know, I have done GoRuck events before, with my workout group. I will ruck for fitness (35#-45#, depending, but never more than 45#). The guys in my group who do this will weigh their packs down with heavy weight and I tell them all they are doing is inviting injury. Man, how I do NOT miss the days of full rucks, boots and utes, 782 gear, and rifle.

Rucking far will hurt you, rucking heavy will hurt you, rucking fast will hurt you. If you start hurting back off in all three.
Wow. That that was a pretty common “no no” by now.

I know, right? But these 20-somethings, they think their bodies will last forever. I tell them I am on the smiling side of 50 and because of rucking heavy weight for so many years (when I didn't have a choice) I sound like a bowl of rice krispies and have an ortho on retainer. They don't care; they think it's cool; the more weight, the better.
Hey Red Flag! I've done a good amount of searching on it, more so than looking for information on a knee injury I was looking for anyone's experiences on this site with ruck related knee injuries and how they deal or dealt with said issue. I just had dull pain to the left side of my right knee, below my it band. Just was curious to see if anyone was in the same boat as me, not looking for a diagnosis.
I just injured my knee in BJJ. Same spot as you, left side of right knee. Next day, I was in pain and my knee was so stiff I could barely bend I. I went to the Dr. and they said it was an MCL tear. Now just playing the waiting game to see if gets better or not.
I just injured my knee in BJJ. Same spot as you, left side of right knee. Next day, I was in pain and my knee was so stiff I could barely bend I. I went to the Dr. and they said it was an MCL tear. Now just playing the waiting game to see if gets better or not.

Depending on the extent of the tear it will feel better in time and may work mostly close to what was normal. If the managing doc doesn't recommend physical therapy while it heals, though, I'd highly recommend going to a good PT place on your own if your state/ insurance doesn't bizarrely require a PCP referral.

Improper joint healing means future issues.
hi, i have a question relating to walking with progressively heavier bodyweights and building up the knees. i am not ex military but i can't find your knowledge on other websites. i started doing this over a year ago, a few times a week off and on but since the winter (we have 3 months of snow here, so not good for wearing more than 10 kg / 24lb) i've been walking usually 3 miles on level asphalt with now 20 kg or so (44lb) usually 3, occasionally 4 times a week. however my knees are telling me to back off, particularly 4 times last week and i have no idea how to progress beyond this. i am wearing primarily a weight vest. i have an 80 lb vest on order, which is my ultimate goal, plus maybe some light dumbells or kettlebells. any civilized advice would be most welcome. thanks and thanks for those of you who are in the armed forces making people like me safe. having lived in Japan for quite a long time i sometimes reflect on the future possible danger emanating from the Far East but that belongs in another thread of course.
hi, i have a question relating to walking with progressively heavier bodyweights and building up the knees. i am not ex military but i can't find your knowledge on other websites. i started doing this over a year ago, a few times a week off and on but since the winter (we have 3 months of snow here, so not good for wearing more than 10 kg / 24lb) i've been walking usually 3 miles on level asphalt with now 20 kg or so (44lb) usually 3, occasionally 4 times a week. however my knees are telling me to back off, particularly 4 times last week and i have no idea how to progress beyond this. i am wearing primarily a weight vest. i have an 80 lb vest on order, which is my ultimate goal, plus maybe some light dumbells or kettlebells. any civilized advice would be most welcome. thanks and thanks for those of you who are in the armed forces making people like me safe. having lived in Japan for quite a long time i sometimes reflect on the future possible danger emanating from the Far East but that belongs in another thread of course.


Welcome to the site, before you post again you are expected to follow the first rule of ShadowSpear: Post an Intro Thread. Read thru the intros for an idea of what they should look like. This needs to be your next post.
Hey Guys, I went on a ruck last week and kinda banged up my right knee a little. I did 6 miles, boots on, mainly asphalt, with 45 pounds. I was doing a shuffle, not so much a run but not a walk either. It started off a dull annoyance and after I stopped the ruck got painful. Now it's fine unless I run. Anyways I stayed off it for a week and then tried running but after a quarter mile I could feel I wasn't ready for that type of activity again yet. Does anyone else have a similar experience with knee inflammation on rucks? Also I've learned now that you never run with a ruck unless you are in a do-or-die situation as it is likely to cause an issue (learning the hard way :). I'm still going to swim and do whatever lifting / cal that I can while icing and stretching everyday to recover. Just anxious to get back to running and rucking CORRECTLY next time. Thanks!


Yeah dude, rucking sucks.

The do-or-die ruck running sentiment sounds nice, but it's just not realistic. I only intended to ruck run during graded events at A&S/follow-on training, but I can't tell you how many times I ended up running with a way heavier ruck than intended simply because an instructor had to get us from point A to point B to stay on schedule and the last thing they cared about was "rucking being bad for your joints."

Personal tips that helped me:

1) For damage control, read Kelly Starrett's Ready to Run; learn proper form to reduce impact on the lower back and knees. Focus on mid to forefoot impact, not rolling heel to toe. Increase leg turnover, don't try to "stride it out."

2) Google "couch stretch." Shoot for 2 minutes each side every day. This stretch alone was worth the price of the book and completely solved the pain under my kneecap.