Las Vegas Shooting

I can't recall any other mass shooting or terrorist attacks that took so long for a motive to come out.

Interestingly enough as well, I don't think any terrorist group has claimed the Mogadishu blast either.
I can't recall any other mass shooting or terrorist attacks that took so long for a motive to come out.

Interestingly enough as well, I don't think any terrorist group has claimed the Mogadishu blast either.

That is very interesting. All fingers are pointing at Al Shabab, but I wonder if they're like "oh crap that wasn't what we wanted to happen" right now.
That is very interesting. All fingers are pointing at Al Shabab, but I wonder if they're like "oh crap that wasn't what we wanted to happen" right now.

I was thinking along those same lines. AQ and ISIS have been the main populace's enemy and Al Shabab have been able to fly under the radar. I think they may have hoped ISIS claimed responsibility like they do for every other attack.

Desired results, none of the blame.
Some updates for the Thread

Of course he wasn't missing, his employer told him to lay low and then they booked Ellen:
Las Vegas guard Jesus Campos resurfaces on Ellen DeGeneres' show

This story just got weird, his brother was arrested on Child Pornography Charges this morning:
Las Vegas mass shooter Stephen Paddock's brother arrested for child porn

Oh, and the shooter's Hard Drive is missing:
Las Vegas shooter's laptop missing its hard drive

@ThunderHorse -

I saw every one of those stories today and just shook my head. Each one weirder than the other.
If this was a movie or TV show, we'd all say "of course he had kiddie porn. The corrupt federal agents set him up to get rid of him...."
Fortunately this is real-life and that kind of stuff does not happen....<eyeroll....LOL....head banging into wall> <I miss the old emojis>
The medical folks involved in caring for the wounded should write books and tell their stories.

Agreed. This was a disaster scale MASCAL that required knowledge of "battlefield medicine", both from civ and uniformed personnel there. I am sure there are AAR's/table top discussions going on to review. To add, I get the concept of that but you can practice for MCI's until you are blue in the face, obviously, you will fall back on training, but sometimes, that jerk off, Murphy, fucks you dry and all plans and procedures takes a massive shit and you are planning on the fly, I recall doing that one night on a 3 alarm HAZMAT fire as medical ops sector.

Also, it takes events like this to reinforce further training, especially for civ, use of TQ's. and the such. I'm the weirdo, taking Maria and her 2 neices to the mall. They shop at Justice, Maria loves the rings of course, I am looking for exits, places to bound or hide, I see the A.E.D./trauma kits complete with 25 TQ's, battle dressings and chest seals the mall was given from the local EMS agency. Thank lord, Maria actually has educated the girls on evasion procedures in case of bad shit. Thank God Maria does not live with her head up her ass.....

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Agreed. This was a disaster scale MASCAL that required knowledge of "battlefield medicine", both from civ and uniformed personnel there. I am sure there are AAR's/table top discussions going on to review. To add, I get the concept of that but you can practice for MCI's until you are blue in the face, obviously, you will fall back on training, but sometimes, that jerk off, Murphy, fucks you dry and all plans and procedures takes a massive shit and you are planning on the fly, I recall doing that one night on a 3 alarm HAZMAT fire as medical ops sector.

Also, it takes events like this to reinforce further training, especially for civ, use of TQ's. and the such. I'm the weirdo, taking Maria and her 2 neices to the mall. They shop at Justice, Maria loves the rings of course, I am looking for exits, places to bound or hide, I see the A.E.D./trauma kits complete with 25 TQ's, battle dressings and chest seals the mall was given from the local EMS agency. Thank lord, Maria actually has educated the girls on evasion procedures in case of bad shit. Thank God Maria does not live with her head up her ass.....


Dammit Man, marry her already!
Metro PD has been glacially slow to release information on this event. Every month or two they release video footage that is not helpful. People have been screaming for answers with no response. The LV Review Journal released this recently and it is a legitimate piece of the puzzle.

State Radio Network not Utilized in Mass Casualty

Approximately 1 minute into the shooting I observed a figure in a hotel room on the north side standing in a shooting platform and appeared to be 4-6 feet from the window. The figure was firing the rifle out of his hotel room. I attempted to get on the radio to update the channel and was unsuccessful.

Metro Detective Stephen Balonek
The most unanswered question of the six in an investigation is the "why." Many cases are solved and adjudicated without ever knowing the "why" of the matter. This may very well be another of them.
You think there was another gunman?

I mean I'm not an expert in automatic gunfire in an urban environment, but kinda think echo and "pop" are different decimals...

That said, if it was a "one" shooter situation, he is a bad motherfucker, with his "bump stock" guns and casualty list...

And the keep it hush-hush investigation...

In other words, no evidence to bring, but it ain't passing the sniff test.