Last Roll Call For Car

Nov 11, 2010
SOF Mentor
It is with profound sadness that ShadowSpear marks the passing of one of its own.

CAR passed away this weekend. He was a long-time member and moderator here, and many of us met him in person and had the privilege of calling him “friend.” He was also a retired Soldier who achieved the grade of Command Sergeant Major in the Intelligence Corps of the U.S. Army.

Additionally, and most importantly, he was married to another long-time member and moderator here, Racing Kitty. We ask that your thoughts and prayers be with Racing Kitty, the families and friends, and those others who are now feeling this loss. I know many of you were close to CAR and will have many questions. This is not the time for those questions. We will leave it up to Racing Kitty to provide whatever additional information she chooses, when she chooses. Helen, we are here for you.

We encourage any of you who would like to do so to leave a post in this thread. If you have a funny story about CAR to share, or if you want to raise a toast to a fallen comrade, or if you simply want to leave a message of support for CAR’s family and friends to read, please do so here.

At ease Command Sergeant Major; the perimeter is secure, the troops are fed, and your mission here with us is complete. Rest now, and stand by for further instructions. Until we meet again,

Your Friends and Family at ShadowSpear.
Its with deep sadness that I found out of the Passing of the SGM who I aspired to be like in my own military career..

You will be in our thoughts and prayers always SGM. Rest in peace my friend.
CAR was one of the first people on ShadowSpear that I actually met in person. It was at Ted's Montana Grill in Chrystal City, when I was up in D.C. on TDY. He and RB were gracious enough to meet me for dinner. It was a lot of fun. I met him again in Fayetteville when I was stationed at Bragg. I met Racing Kitty that day too. I kept in contact with him via email and through the site. I always thought he embodied all of the positive stereotypes of an NCO. Look back through his posts and you'll see what I mean. The Army and ShadowSpear were lucky to have him.
I'm sorry I never had a chance to meet you face-to-face CAR and regret even more what a crappy job I did staying in touch.
I'll miss our bouts of riling eachother up and back channel BS sessions. You've left behind an incredible legacy of long and honorable service to your nation, fond memories that will be cherished by your friends, and a profound sense of loss in all those whose lives you touched.
I feel very special and honored that Chris thought so highly of me to call me "Blondie". It was a special nick name and Ill always remember the silly jokes and banter and general cutting up that went on here on SS over the years. I will never forget "spending" New Years Eve with Chris, RK, RB, Jorgi and H2. One of the best New Years for me, ever. You will be so very missed Chris. Love you..mean it. "Blondie".
I never got to meet Chris, but after a few phone calls from him when he first joined in SS, I knew he was an upstanding guy and sincere with people. He found out I had a son in JROTC and he talked to him several times on the phone encouraging him, and giving him a kick in the rump sometimes.

I remember him telling me how he was excited about meeting Helen for the first time, and after that meeting, he said "she's the one". You could hear the excitement and happiness in his voice.

He will be missed, and my son and my prayers are with Helen, his family and close friends Drew and his wife also during this time for peace and comfort.

RIP Chris, what an honor it is to have gotten to know you!
My condolences to his family, friends and his extended family here on ShadowSpear.

"On the death of a friend, we should consider that the fates through confidence have devolved on us the task of a double living, that we have henceforth to fulfill the promise of our friend's life also, in our own, to the world."
~Henry David Thoreau
I had the privilege of serving under car as a new soldier. Needless to say he made a lasting impression, and he made it clear that I could look to him for sincere advice and guidance anytime. I took him up on that offer many times throughout my career and he always pointed me in the right direction.

I count myself fortunate to have known him.
Chris was a great friend, even though we never met and was there for me through some tough times.

Helen, my family and I are thinking of you, the family and all of you that were part of his extended family.

Rest in Peace Brother, you will be missed but never forgotten!
I am truly sorry for your loss RK. I never met Chris and only knew him through this site, but in that limited relationship, I could tell he was a stand up guy. Prayers out to your family during this time.

and SGM, thank you for your service and all you did here
Chris was simply an all around great guy. I was fortunate enough to meet him and hang out with him on a number of occasions; one time during a screening of Rambo :) Obviously he was an enormous asset to our country, but was also extremely valuable to this site (not to mention was voted in as a mod every time he ran). He will not be forgotten.
Please allow me to offer my profound regrets and condolences in the passing of Chris. Like many other, I never met him personally. Through this site, I developed a admiration and fondest for him. A very fine man who will be missed.
I can only guess how much more dynamic of a person the SGM was face to face. He and I had a few long nights chatting about our spouses and how the worry can take its toll. He loved Helen with all his heart. I won't forget how quick he was to offer to talk "anytime" and I knew he meant it.

Thank you for your service SGM. Rest easy in the peace only God can give.
RIP CSM, you have been a valuable member of this forum in addition to being a national asset. You will be missed by everyone here as well as all the lives you have touched in your long career of selfless service to your nation. You will be remembered for your leadership, mentorship and compassion that you have displayed here and elsewhere. Fair winds and following seas Chris.