To say that Chris was one of a kind is an understatement. I remember when we first started corresponding here on the board. He declared himself my "creepy internet stalker." We swapped stories about how things had changed here in Suckville between his last tour and mine, and gradually we began to get to know each other as something more than a smartassed bomb jockey and a crusty ol' SGM.
He made me promise that when I got home, that I would give him a call. I kept that promise, and soon we were discussing meeting face-to-face. I was in a dark place then, and I guess he saw that better than I did, because once he latched on to the idea of meeting up in Fayetteville, he would not let go. I kept trying to get out of it so I could just sit in the dark, but he wasn't having any of it. Eventually, I realized that Chris had made some very good points, and we finally met at RB's house. The rest, as they say, is history.
The more I got to know Chris, the more I saw not just an amazing soldier, but a truly amazing man. He taught me so many things, showed me so much more than I realized was out there. I met so many people who were able to sincerely say "This man changed my life." It was humbling and overwhelming. The reach of his wisdom, compassion, and authority truly can't be measured, but it is evident in so many ways.
He valued everyone here on the board. Chris always enjoyed being able to help another soldier. It was what he lived for. And here, he found a way to reach out to so many people to share a laugh, or knowledge, or strength. Pardus, Chop, Mara, LL and the Troll, Ex3, Scooter.... There's so many of you to list. His fond memories of you all were always a source of happiness for him. Oh, the stories he would tell....
RB, I can't thank you enough. Your home was the backdrop of so many happy events that Chris and I shared. He loved you and J most of all. We both were so grateful to you for being there for us, putting a foot in his ass and mine when it was needed, and always being there with a good word and a great time.
We have truly lost one of our better angels. Many people go their entire lives without even knowing someone who is even half the man that Chris was. We have lost a great leader, a great soldier, a truly wonderful man. And I am missing a part of my soul.
I love you Chris, and I always will.