Last Roll Call For Car

Chris: I never met you face to face but I am honored to know you on Shadowspear and Facebook as friends. We talked a few times and you gave me some good words to live by and I appreciate that. We also ran the same street while @ Ft. Bragg. Rest in peace Chris and my prayers go to Helen and family in this trying time. Rest easy brother.

Layne (F.M.).
My brother, my friend, my sounding board on occasion... our plans to spend time together never panned out, but we knew each other like we lived next door. We straightened each other out on occasion, just chatted on others, and verbally beat each other senseless more than once - and generally called when we needed to... Your passing has left a hole in my life, but your being here for me filled others... thank you for that. I'm angry as hell that you got taken away, and sad, and relieved. We spoke of your dreams - the biggest that there would be 'no more need to keep new secrets' and the dream of the bait shop/convenience store where the beer and bait were in the same cold case. We laughed and cried and shared long distance drinks on special occasions, we were and always will be family of a kind that most people will never understand. We passed by each other numerous times during the overlap of our military careers, with out meeting in person, but sharing experiences - and living the close of the Cold War... Then seeing the new version of it pop up as Terrorism and the current conflicts raging around the globe.

When you first decided to run for moderator, you asked me for advice... what a laugh... All I could say was be yourself, use your SGM skills and your humor and bring the stick down to keep people in line... you excelled as a mod, just as you excelled in your military career.

I watched, and was part of your courtship of RK, from a distance, but involved as sounding board, and secret keeper for you. RK, you lost a man that loves you very much, still loves you even though the body no longer functions, because he loves you from his soul. I don't know what else to say to you... We're here, whatever you need, ask. If you just need an ear, call.

Chris, we all love you and cherish our memories of you... you've left more holes in hearts than you could have expected.

I almost dread having to inprocess heaven, knowing that you're one of the SGMs that's going to be reviewing my orders... but I look forward to seeing you then, and sharing that bottle of good red wine, a steak, baked potato and salad we always planned....

Until then SGM, rest easy. You don't have to keep the secrets anymore, you're free.
I never got a chance to get to know Chris on the same level that a lot of the people here have, and that is a tragedy in that I deprived myself of getting to know an exemplary, great soldier who, like so many of you, dedicated his life to serving a greater cause.

Still, all it took was reading the occasional post by him on this website to convey to me the sort of fine, great man that Chris was. He is the sort of man it would have been an absolute honor to go into battle with.

Words fail me here, RK. I know it doesn't even begin to ease the pain, but I am truly sorry for your loss.
Thank you for your service, Chris. This community and the world has lost a truly great person.
Other people have said in a far more eloquent way what I could say. RIP Chris, I always liked our PMs. You had a good sense of humour.

RIP mate.
Diane & I offer our condolences to Helen and the rest of SM Chris Raines, (USA Ret.) family.

Chris, I never got to meet you face to face; however, feel that in many ways, I got to know you here on this website, pretty well.

Adios, until we meet again on that big DZ in the sky.
So shocked to read of Chris's passing. May he rest peacefully!

Helen my thoughts go out to you, your family and all here who knew him well!

Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal. ~Irish Headstone
My immediate reaction on reading this was this is not a funny joke and I am not amused.

I didn't meet Car, only knew him from on here. He was a great source of advise, like a typical old school SNCO firm but fair when needed but most of all he was humble and admitted if he made a mistake. He set a good example.

I'll miss him, I'm sorry for Helen's and Cars families loss. My thought will be with you.
Floored, saddened like the rest here and still in disbelief. We didn't always see eye to eye on everything Sergeant Major, but it was because it mattered. It mattered to him, much like where he came from, his service to his country and to all of us here.

We raise a glass to his name,
Because he lived without any shame,
Now in peace he lies in restful sleep,
And his name in memory, we shall forever keep.

Sincere heartfelt condolences to Helen, his family and all those affected by the void now left with his untimely passing.

Blue skies always.


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I read the opening line and was waiting for the.... "just kidding" Holy hell! What did I miss? He seemed ready to enjoy the whole rest of his life!

RK - So sorry for your loss. No words can console you, but know we're here for you.

RB - Wow! I remember meeting you and the CSM not so long ago...

So sad. I really don't know what else to say... life is short, make the most of it.

Semper Fi, Chris - you are missed.
Stunned. Saddened. Hurt. Shocked. A little mad at the big guy upstairs right now.

I was honored that Car and Helen chose me to be one of the 'stateside girlfriends' to keep check up on Chris and be a sounding board for him when he worried about her. Most of those conversations turned out to be him counseling me and being my sounding board in true SNCO fashion.

Watch over us SGM - we will miss you.

When tomorrow starts without me,
And I'm not there to see,
If the sun should rise and find your eyes
all filled with tears for me,

I wish so much you wouldn't cry
The way you did today,
While thinking of the many things,
We didn't get to say.

I know how much you love me,
As much as I love you,
and each time that you think of me,
I know you'll miss me too.

But when tomorrow starts without me,
Please try to understand,
That an angel came and called my name,
And took me by the hand,
and said my place was ready,
In heaven far above,
And that I'd have to leave behind
All those I dearly loved.​
But when I walked through heaven's gates,
I felt so much at home
When God looked down and smiled at me,
From His great golden throne.

He said, "This is eternity,
And all I've promised you."
Today your life on earth is past,
But here life starts anew.​
So when tomorrow starts without me,
Don't think we're far apart,
For every time you think of me,
I'm right here, in your heart.​
Helen, I don't have the words, I'm truly sorry...

We'll talk in person.

Chris was a personal friend, someone I have a deep affection for, and whom I admire professionally and personally.

We got together a few times and hit it off like a house on fire, we had an instant connection.
He was humble, intelligent and wise.

I'm glad I got to see you at the last shoot Brother, I'm deeply saddened by your loss.

I knew someone had passed when I finally got to my phone and saw/heard all the messages, I was floored when I heard it was you.

The world is a duller place without you my friend.

We'll see each other soon enough...
May the expressions of friendship, admiration, love and support carry you through this difficult time and know what a special person CAR was to everyone. My heart goes out to each of you and especially to Helen.