Let's see that shooter

I own a modest number of firearms, but I like to think that what I lack in quantity I make up for in quality.

I need to get a picture of my Marlin 780 .22 rifle that I got for Christmas when I was twelve. The rest are shown below.

Marlin Model 336 (top) with Leupold 4 X 35mm rifleman scope chambered in .35 Remington. This was my very first deer rifle that I got on my twelfth birthday.

The bottom rifle is a Marlin Model 36A chambered in 30-30 that I bought for my nephew for his thirteenth birthday (last August).
My dad got him a Leupold 2.5 X 7 X 32mm rifleman scope to mount on it also for his birthday.


Henderson Defense Industries AK-101 chambered in 7.62 X 39




SIG556 SWAT with Trijicon ACOG TA-11 and SIG551 style Hand Guards chambered in 5.56 NATO




SIG556 SWAT the way it came from the factory with the exception of the ACOG, sling and sling adapter.


Sig Sauer P226 9mm this was my service pistol when I was a reserve cop (1992-1995) and is still my favorite pistol to shoot.



Sig Sauer P226 in .40S&W
with Crimson Trace Laser Grips (I have a .357SI barrel to convert this gun to .357SIG by just replacing the barrel).



Sig Sauer P220 Carry SAS with original wood grips



Sig Sauer P220 Carry SAS with Crimson Trace Laser Grips (.45ACP)


Sig Sauer P220 Carry SAS with original wood grips in a Milt Sparks VM2 concealment holster

Sig Sauer P225/P6 9mm


Another Sig Sauer P225/P6 9mm
with an extended/threaded Bar-Sto barrel, Hogue Extreme Aluminum Grips and some custom magazine bases.



Kahr Arms PM9 (9mm) This little pistol is my most carried handgun out of pure convenience. I've got a lot of pants (if ya know what I mean) and so this little gun can go right into my front or rear pocket depending upon the style of pants/shorts and be reasonable concealed.


Freakin EXCELLENT Photography!!!:cool:
What camera Parallel?
I may have to upgrade my little panasonic to whatever you're shooting.
PM me with specifics if you want to.
Some of my AR's


I am hesitant to show this next one, it is my new 1500M Death from afar sniper rifle. As you can see it has computer enhanced optics and firecontrol. There are few out there and I don't want to be bugged on how to make one. IF you gotta ask, then you will never understand.


I use a Fujifilm Finepix S9000 which is little more than a glorified point and shoot. The real key(s) to getting good shots is lighting, using a tripod, using the macro feature on your camera, and avoiding a composition which incorporates the two extremes of exposure (black on a white background). The latter can be accomplished if ones knows how to control exposure. I have yet to learn how to do that so I stay away from it. The other thing is to take some shots and then check the results, if they aren't satisfactory then try again. Within the pictures that I have posted here it is pretty easy to tell which were taken before I learned some of these lesson fully.

Thanks for the compliments.
I do quite a bit between the Grand Canyon and Wildlife pictures.
I recognize good work. I Was eyeballing the little Kodak with HD video, but I'll be looking into that Fuji!
The new point-and-shoots are outstanding!
I do quite a bit between the Grand Canyon and Wildlife pictures.
I recognize good work. I'll be looking into that Fuji!
The new point-and-shoots are outstanding!

Not knocking the camera, one of mine is a Fuji, But in this instance it is the shooter. Parallel did a great job of setting up the shoots. That, IMHO, is 90% of the task.
I Absolutly agree Hollis!
The way he setup the lighting/contrasts was what amazed me!
They look like studio/publication "magazine cover" photos.

As he said:
The real key(s) to getting good shots is lighting, using a tripod, using the macro feature on your camera, and avoiding a composition which incorporates the two extremes of exposure (black on a white background).

But, knowing that and getting the results are two different things. It takes a certain eye/skill that he did well with, and not everyone has.
Good point Hollis.


Pic's like that don't just "happen"...it takes planning/alotta work/and a certain skill.
I shit you not. You got a future in Gun Porn P! Now we just gotta get you some Bikini-clad models!

Not in MY gun porn fantasies! ;):P
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivi0YD75rhA"]YouTube - Girl Against Gun Control[/ame]