Lone Survivor the Movie

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Wow. I sure hope hollywood does NOT screw up either of these. NO artistic license should be taken with Lone Survivor.

I have minimal faith at best.
Wow. I sure hope hollywood does NOT screw up either of these. NO artistic license should be taken with Lone Survivor.

I have minimal faith at best.

X2....."You can shit in one hand and wish in the other and see which fills up faster," comes to mind.
If they don't have Luttrell as the technical advisor, it'll be shit. After all, he's the only one that was there and can talk about it. They should make those pieces of shit that killed his dog watch it before letting have Luttrell have 10 minutes alone with them...
If they don't have Luttrell as the technical advisor, it'll be shit. After all, he's the only one that was there and can talk about it. They should make those pieces of shit that killed his dog watch it before letting have Luttrell have 10 minutes alone with them...

I believe he is involved. Peter Berg is the director and he's a done a damn good job on the few movies that he's directed thus far.

I'd look for a decent movie with him directing.
Excellent... There is no amount of hyperbole to describe the courage of those SEALs.
Way better than the comic.

Btw, if they are making the movie, then by all means they should also portait the brave men of Turbine33.

If Luttrell is involved, there is NO CHANCE the brave souls who left to save him will be forgotten. That man is a truly honorable warrior.
Marcus has already said he's leaving the country if this movie is made. Why anybody would go against the wishes of THE LONE SURVIVOR is beyond me.
Marcus has already said he's leaving the country if this movie is made. Why anybody would go against the wishes of THE LONE SURVIVOR is beyond me.

I've never heard this before. It was my impression that he and Peter Berg (Director) hit it off pretty well and he's acting as a consultant on the movie.

I read this somewhere, but can't exactly find any link.
That's bullshit. The man earned SEAL, he fought and nearly died for his country, saw his bros die for their country and you think he'd say he'd leave it over a fuckin movie? If the movie's done right it will honor his fallen bros, give them the recognition he and they--and in fact all warfighters--deserve from a country that's been focused on a dead drug-addled accused pedophile.
Everytime I hear something about Luttrell I get all emotional and tear up and think about his courage and bravery and lift him in prayer. He is awesome example of a warrior who PROUDLY served his country. I agree with Boon, if they don't Hollywoodize it (which I doubt Luttrell would let happen if he has input on it), this will be a great movie!
I can't wait for the movie to come out, though I haven't heard any recent news about the movie. I've heard the same as 82nd, that Luttrell is the one who picked the producer to make his book a movie.
I cannot wait. I hope hollywood gets this right. "Gates of Fire" was mandatory reading for privates in our platoon. Awesome book, I hope the movie is just as good.