Looking for an Old article that was on here


Jun 23, 2018
I’m looking for an Old article someone posted on here it was about that Female Warrant Officer who served in The Army that sadly passed away. I don’t remember what her name was and Can’t find the article on here anymore was hoping someone could point me in the right direction.

Mod edit to change the word "activity" to Army.
Ooh Rah
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‘Why am I here and she’s not?’: Gold Star Husband Joe Kent Still Struggles to Make Sense of Wife’s Death

Her husband is a former 5th Group Green Beret. While there is never an easy way to hear your spouse has been killed, to be deployed at the same time as her, and having your own children with their grandparents has got to be extremely difficult.

Anyways, this is a great read and one filled with heartbreak. Fuck cancer is all I have to say.

That's a really good piece. The author is a member here.
This article is a great read. It is really well written. Thank you for sharing it.

Recently I shared an article about Chief Shannon Kent on Facebook, and found out a friend, N, hiked the last Battan Death March, as a tribute (taping Shannon's photo to N's pack) to her.

I think Joe Kent is no-shit doing a great job at honoring Shannon Kent's extremely awesome tradecraft and service.

It seems it might/could be, almost automatic for the focus to gravitate to her "mom" and "wife" hats, because, by every account, she was amazing at everything.

(sorry- the beginning of the sentence above kinda sucks, but I couldn't figure out how else to say it).

Basically, I can easily see it taking intention on Joe Kent's part to nudge the focus back, or keep it on, Shannon's amazing and inspirational service.

And that's no small feat by itself-- but man, they're also soulmates-- so that just really sucks. My god, it is so sad.

And then, let's not forget, he has so much war, himself, too-- specifically two decades of service to America as a Green Beret. These people are truly inspiring and amazing examples.

I think Joe Kent is doing a wonderful job of honoring Shannon's life, her service, raising their family, keeping her and his families close, and staying the course/ going the distance, to live his life in a way that honors hers. I hope Chief Kent's story is told forever.

Unrelated: I am always so impressed with the forums interface! I just wrote the post above out, got extremely into it, my phone turned off because it went down to zero percent (I was super into writing this- I'm slow at it) and I suck, and when it powered back on, the entire thing I wrote was all here. 🥰