M5 Bag organization


Verified SOF
Aug 14, 2006
I just got an Eagle M5 bag shipped to me from our guys down south. Any advice on how some of you guys have your packs organized would be appreciated, as this is my first time out with an M5.
Do you have the single open or the 3 compartment fold over bag? (I personally prefer the 3 compartment foldover, and use surgical tape for the contents list in each compartment... anal, huh?) My method is to start at where your right hand will naturally fall for the first items you will use and expect low level use (basic level 1 bleed w/o airway) for initial grab. If this is to be used mainly for levels 2 and 3 get your gear placed where you know it will be every time, and load and unload the bag repeatedly the same way... and then practice it in the dark (just like a ruck on patrol) until you know when you look at it if it's packed differently. Definitely pack in level of need order based on mission and normal use pattern as noted .... it's your bag, make it work for you, and if anybody screws with it, kill them slowly and painfully with the item that was moved, taken or used without your knowledge.... nobody goes in your medkit, ever, never ever, never, never ever no way unless you give them permission and know exactly what is being used or moved... someboy's life could depend on that 'one bandaid' or 'little bit of antiseptic'.

ymmv.... put the tourniquets (plural, note - have at least 2, but 5 is better) on the outside where you get at them first... if you need them, you need them 5 minutes ago.
This here be the one, minus all the colorful OPAs in the pic. I am picking up what you're putting down in your post and need to lay all my shit out and see what works. I'm used to having one big compartment along with mesh pouches or elastic bands holding everything in place, rather than the three velcro compartments along with the big one at the bottom.


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Rusty, has it got MOLLE on the front?

If it does I can send you some lengths of shock cord and cordlocs to mount TQs to the front. It's a pretty secure method and wont degrade like rubber bands under UV rays.
Now this is just my idea, but you can try it out and see if you like it or if it's a bag of ass:

nose hoses and oral airways on the loopie doops That's your A.
BVM in the bottom of the bag with mask attached, that's your B
First "rip off" bag is your circulation. Kerlex, Combat gauze, ETD's, Hemcon, whatever flavor of keep red stuff in to go roundy roundy equipment you use. Put Red duct tape on it with offset tabs to be able to rip it open easy regardless of grip condition. This sits right on top as you open it

2nd ripoff that's kept towards the hinge is your continuing care. Finger pulse-ox, bp cuff, etc. Blue tape strips, offset to open easy.
3rd ripoff is your bitches and itches bag, 4x4's, bandaids, vagisil for that one guy, rectal thermometer, etc.
Fluids, BVM, and other associated ass and trash that you keep on you goes in the bottom, organized for ease of grabbery and with surgical tape affixed to each w/ tabs for opening and written labels.

As the trollmeister said, TQ's go on the outside, although you as a medicky dude should just be rocking more than your fair share straight on your gear, vs having to fish in an aid bag.

Contemplate getting a roll-up hangable bag if you're rocking anything like a van or a burban on a regular basis, and figuring out how to affix it so you have a "gear wall". Why wait for 5-10 minutes for an ambulance when you can have someone drive you code to the hospital, and get there when the ambulance was getting to you (theoretically).
Sasquatch has seen my fold out med bag... set up as level 1, then 2 then 3 in each zipper compartment... I consider my bp cuff, sthoscope and IV starts level 2... as well as 1/2 my kerlix stock and 1 israeli type bandage and 1 ab pad with no hemocure. Level 3 has 2 field surg kits and a shit load of suture gear and scalpels along with fluid and extra iv tubing and starts (from 22ga down to 16ga... as big a bore as you can get into the pt, right?)... betadine goes in level 1, alcopreps in every compartment. Again, it works for me... even the pretty pictures and fancy words Cback will send can be modified to the user... Primum non Nocere.
The best thing you can do with an M5 bag is this-
  1. Dump out all the medical stuff.
  2. Find a tourniquet in the pile, put that on your gear somewhere with some rubber bands (or if you are airborne qualified, some retainer bands). The rest of the medical stuff goes in the trash, unless there are lollipops or morphine in there- stuff that in your pocket and save it for tonight.
  3. Fill your newly emptied M5 bag with loaded magazines, a couple M67s, a nalgene bottle, and a few snickers bars.
It doesn't matter where you put the stuff, as long as it's all in there, it's good.
Thanks guys. The wife is growing tired of me and my gear layouts all over the house lately and the garage is starting to look more and more like a LE/Ranger Co. supply room.

Mac: yep, it has Molle on the front.

Cback: info sent, as well as what we are required to carry.

RP: we apparently like to set shit up the same way. Considering our backgrounds, not surprising. And you are right, it is more EMTish than 18D...we do have an expanded scope though.

xSF: I hate you. :D

Etype: wasn't it you and I (among others) who had the conversation regarding LE who carry more shit on them than a Ranger raiding Dr. Evil's lair? My GOV is quickly turning into a two seater rather than a four seater because of all the shit i am issued/required to carry. :D

I have a second smaller bag made by TacMed solutions which works pretty well for what we normally do and literally hangs off of the head rest into the back seat. I'll post pics when it is set up.
I just look at it from the perspective that "Once someone gets hit, I will have to deal with them as a casualty while everyone else is busy Razing the objective. Once the earth is salted, They'll come help me take care of him and I'll be better off having shit color coded for easy identification."
When the zombies, aliens or commies get here you'll see that my med kit is a good thing..... It has already survived Sasquatch and Bibiquatch and crazy dog.... so there...

Never said it wouldn't be... but your level of training is commensurate with the type of apparatus you maintain in that bag. While I personally COULD step up and break out a surgical set... that'd be like a civil war doctor taking care of things :P
Etype: wasn't it you and I (among others) who had the conversation regarding LE who carry more shit on them than a Ranger raiding Dr. Evil's lair? My GOV is quickly turning into a two seater rather than a four seater because of all the shit i am issued/required to carry. :D

I have a second smaller bag made by TacMed solutions which works pretty well for what we normally do and literally hangs off of the head rest into the back seat. I'll post pics when it is set up.
That was me. In regards to the second half of the post, I have a small London Bridge med bag that I use as an assault pack. I think med bags are great for other things as well because they have more compartments. I like to keep my stuff compartmentalized so it doesn't puke out all over the ground when I want one specific thing- think trying to find your neck gaiter inside your ALICE pack at night, usually not worth it.