Making a Murderer (Netflix)

Anyone watching this?

I'm thru the 1st episode - likely going to binge thru it this weekend -

Making a Murderer

No but I saw the documentary on a crime show a few years ago that this is based on. Fuck that guy and his nephew. They kept a girl chained to his bed so they could rape her, then killed her and dumped her in a barrel. Fuck both of them the ear.
@MilkTruckCoPilot - prefacing this with the fact that the updated show is from the families' point of may be worth your watch. It is pretty clear that the local sheriff dept. had it in for that whole family, especially Avery. I've not finished the series yet, and I was recently made aware of another podcast that presents evidence against him not discussed in this latest series; I'll wait til I finish this, and then listen to that.
Have not seen it, but there was show on A&E or Discovery that was very similar, and my wife and I watched that. Can't recall the name but same format. The missus and I dig those shows so we'll have to check it out.
Yes the original crime he was charged and served time for was bullshit, turns out it was commited by someone else.

Sometime after his release, him and his nephew then commited the rape/murder that I was referring to.
I haven't seen it but I remember the circus it created throughout the state when it happened. For a good year you couldn't turn on the news without seeing these worthless piles of shits' faces all over it. Never with a bit of remorse for their actions. God knows what that poor girl went through in the last days of her life. Hopefully they get the Dalmer treatment and have the shit shanked out of them.
I heard about these cases recently on the radio. Interesting.
My questions are, who/which organization/s prosecuted both cases? If it is the same organization, I'm immediately suspicious.
What was the evidence in the second case? Solid, DNA etc... or circumstantial? What was the defense given at the second trial?
I am thru the 5th episode now - ummm....that man may not have done this murder.
Watched the whole thing, I won't say that the two didn't do it, but based on the evidence presented in the trial, if i was a juror I don't think could state that the two did it without some reasonable doubts.

That said I do believe the Sheriff dept planted evidence, specifically the vehicle key, that was found by a detective who wasn't supposed to be there, that was missed in 6 (that's right Six) prior searches. Also the bullet found in the garage, how did they miss that the first time? Also, the tampering with the evidence seal on the vial of blood wasn't explained at all. I'm not saying the whole thing was a conspiracy on the sheriff's dept, but a lot of unanswered stuff.

Also where was the blood evidence of where she was killed, or any DNA evidence that she was assaulted, killed, dismembered on the property? The burnt bones? I think the defense made its case very well that they could have been placed there.

Anyway, worth watching, it will definitely make you scratch your head.
Thru EP 6.

I'm as pro cop as anyone, but those mother-F'ers in that town appear to be dirty as fuck.

You could think the damn judge was in on it too.

I have two episodes left now. I don't understand how the jury can say beyond a reasonable doubt that he did it. Those are powerful words, and the state didn't seem like they presented that strong of a case to convince me.
There was NO blood! None in the bedroom, none in the garage, no spatters on equipment, no f'ing blood.
This could easily become a thread drift, but just as Lucky referenced above, Steve Avery is not the type who would be able to hide blood splatter thorough out that garage. The D.A. made his case on the 'fact' that she was killed in the garage...where is the evidence that she was killed in the garage? There is ZERO - Maybe the defense stressed that more than it was shown in the documentary, but I think I would have stood up there and repeated over and over again that it was physically and scientifically IMPOSSIBLE to show that she was killed in that garage, much less even bled there.

I've never had faith in the jury system, my SIL is a lawyer and the stories about how folks get themselves out of Jury Duty would make your head spin. That leaves you with the pool of candidates who could not get out of it, or actually want to serve. From that group the lawyers pick and choose those who might have some experience with the type of case they are trying, or just appear too smart; they are all quickly excused. What does that leave you with? It leaves you with a group of people the attorneys hope/think they can manipulate into thinking their way, or one or two who might actually be qualified to make an intelligent decision.

It was heartbreaking to see the interview with the juror who had to be excused because of a family emergency. He came right out and said that there were two or three who had obviously long made up their minds and were going to bully their way to a guilty verdict - and they did. Quite honestly, that terrifies me.

Kidding- I powered through this thing in under 2 days- my wife and I haven't been more invested in a show in I can't remember how long. Sad, unreal, heartbreaking, unbelievable, maddening, enthralling- this show was all of it.

If you want to get a good look at the American justice system, watch the show. I think Ricky Gervais was quoted as saying, "It should be mandatory watching for all Americans."
This and multiple other incidents where the jury has preconceptions, prosecutor misconduct, and just plain incompetent defense has made me change my stance on the Death Penalty.

I would highly recommend the Truth and Justice podcast by Bob Ruff, Undisclosed (some bias because of personal connections),
Here is another Podcast to consider. Ron Rosenbaum and Joe Friedberg are two of Minnesota's most prominent attorneys. What they have to say about the case is pretty interesting -
