Making a Murderer (Netflix)

We are aware that defense attorneys are not sworn in during a trial and their job is to CREATE a sense of doubt about the prosecution's assertions.

I've read that this show is not an obective look at the case but rather slanted towards the defense.
We are aware that defense attorneys are not sworn in during a trial and their job is to CREATE a sense of doubt about the prosecution's assertions.

I've read that this show is not an obective look at the case but rather slanted towards the defense.

Yeah. There is also presumed innocence. That doesn't seem to have been given in this case, through episode 4z
We're handicapped because the docu is clearly biased in favor of Avery and designed to rile up our emotions. This is a pro-Avery informercial instead of a documentary. Instead of adding the phone calls from jail, they could have spent more time on evidence instead of emotion.
I liked the show better when it was called "the squidbillies".

It's sad when one of your posts reminds me of something. :D

No one touched upon the inbreeding in that family? How else can you explain so damn many special ed cases in one family? I think one of the deputies made a comment about it and the docu alluded to this, but how many cousins are married to other cousins in that clan?
How 'bout that..? from "making a killer" to innocence lost, starting at the cradle...Pimp that crib, Daddy bad-touch... You can smell the damp rot from the unraked angiosperm leaves in that backyard.
My wife went from "In Avery's camp" to "He probably did it" once I showed her the info previous posts. Him dropping dimes on his family and the truth about the cat incident iced it for her. One of the brothers pleaded No Contest to sexually assaulting his two daughters, so I really have to question that family's genetic makeup. All of that is on top of a family who are no strangers to law enforcement.

Don't get me wrong, it is a a very good documentary, but focus on what the police did or didn't do rather than the Avery case itself. That's one corrupt and/ or incompetent group of police and lawyers.
Not done, but here is what I think. Poor dude was put I. Jail for a long time for something he didn't do, that was a miscarriage of justice.

He got out and killed someone. Piece of shit.
I binge watched the series today and thought it was a good show. I agree it's less of a documentary and more of a means to paint the Avery clan in a positive light. His initial imprisonment was a tragedy, there's no doubt about that. And the Manitowac deputies and attorneys involved in that case are corrupt enough to meet the qualifications to be advisers for The Clinton Foundation.

In any event, I think it's pretty clear he did it. It appeared to me that Avery was able to convince himself that he was innocent, or maybe he thought he would get away with it given his prior circumstances. Also, the District Attorney Kratz came off as a steaming pile of douche.

Watching the police interrogate Brendan was pretty sad. The kid clearly has a mental deficiency and it did seem like the detectives were practically and knowingly forming Brendan's story for him.
I am in the camp he is guilty but the police were also responsible for planting evidence. It almost to me seems that both sides, starting with Steven Avery, were playing a game of cat and mouse. What I mean is, I believe he murdered her, parked the RAV4 in a manner which would seem like someone was planting evidence, and then he tried to burn the evidence (the body, her camera, her cell phone, and any other personal artifacts). He had 18 years in jail to fester and stew a response to a crime he knew he did not commit. Why not try and seek revenge on the Manitowoc County Sheriff Department? Make them look even worse by locking him up again for a crime he "did not commit." Little did Mr. Avery know that burning a body in a fire pit would not be enough heat to disintegrate the body.

Enter in the Manitowoc County Sheriff Department. They come on to the property before obtaining a search warrant and notify the search party that her vehicle is on the property and the location of it. Upon obtaining a search warrant, no key is found until Lenk plants the key that was found most likely when they entered the property without the search warrant, or it was a spare key from her house, provided to him by the roommate in exchange for leaving him out as a suspect. Because you know, reporting a missing roommate four days after she has gone missing is not suspicious.

Who punctured the vile of blood? I don't know. I do not think the taken blood was used, given the lack of the EDTA (though at least one article claims to offer an explanation for this A Scientist Explained Why The Blood Evidence Used In ‘Making A Murderer’ Is Complete And Utter Garbage). His DNA being present in the form of sweat on the key and the hood of the vehicle is suspicious. Obviously it points to him handling those items. I would imagine chopping up a body would make you sweat.

For those who think Steven Avery is innocent and worthy of a pardon, would you want him to be your neighbor?

Edit: Len Kachinsky is also a piece of shit.
Ken Kratz is a cunt.

Brendan Dassey's "confession" was fucking insane. How the hell did that absolute circus ever hold up in court? Fucking hell.