Marine Corps bans audible farting in Afghanistan


Apr 22, 2010
This has got to be a joke of some sort. Publicity only? They aren't really going to discipline someone for this are they?


- The United States Marine Corps has banned audible farting in Afghanistan because it is culturally offensive to civilians working with the military and members of the Afghan National Army.

The Military Times Marine Corps blog, Battle Rattle recently posted the news that "audible farting has been banned for some Marines downrange because it offends the Afghans."

Jim Campbell expressed his outrage over the decision by senior military officials and wrote: "So now we understand that Muslims in Afghanistan are offended by the sound of anal gas explosions but are quite comfortable with, beheading, stoning, female genital mutilation, pedophilia, amputations, and hanging or burning homosexuals."

Read more:
I'd have to see something in writing that supported this before I believe it. I think it's more likely that someone got told "Hey, quit busting ass in front of the locals, you're embarrassing me" by his squad leader and it's gotten blown completely out of proportion.
Not the only culture that gets radically offended at this kind of behavior. I have a story, but best told over beers, not permanently recorded on the internet.

I'd have to see something in writing that supported this before I believe it. I think it's more likely that someone got told "Hey, quit busting ass in front of the locals, you're embarrassing me" by his squad leader and it's gotten blown completely out of proportion.

"Blown out of proportion", lol, nice one sir.

OK, I've reached my weekly quota for fart humor.
OK, just talked to the original reporter of the story, Gina Cavallaro. She says this was higher than platoon level but lower than general Marine Corps. Apparently the outlets that are picking it up are making it look official by attaching words like Pentagon, and Marine Corps, when it is only a particular unit (which she will not disclose other than, "it was not 2nd Recon.").

Story is, the Afghan soldiers on post duty with Marines, at some particular location, are offended (I want to puke just writing that) by our men making such noises. The original blog entry is here, . She is getting A LOT of calls on this. Not sure if there will be an update or not but I think her final sentence is what makes it look like a general mandate.

So, for all Marines getting ready to go downwind, I mean downrange, be forewarned — you may have to hold it in… at least until you get back to your hooch where you can loudly crop dust your friends.
"Hey, quit busting ass in front of the locals, you're embarrassing me" by his squad leader and it's gotten blown completely out of proportion.

LOL, I quoted that line to her just to see what she's say. She insists it was more than that as far as directives go. She said the article itself was intended as nothing but a bit of humor, and seemed surprised it's getting so much publicity. But again, IMHO, I think if she didn't want to provoke a response then this was most likely not even worth a blog post. I'm kind of glad she did post it. Fuck these assholes and their pseudo "cultural sensibilities."
LOL, I quoted that line to her just to see what she's say. She insists it was more than that as far as directives go. She said the article itself was intended as nothing but a bit of humor, and seemed surprised it's getting so much publicity. But again, IMHO, I think if she didn't want to provoke a response then this was most likely not even worth a blog post. I'm kind of glad she did post it. Fuck these assholes and their pseudo "cultural sensibilities."

OK, take out "squad leader" and put "company commander" or something in there. Her holding back on the original source is making me suspicious.
"What did you get an article 15 for?" "Farting."
Hahahaha! That happened to my oldest once. He ripped one so loud and long in the Jr. High lunch room that he got detention. :ROFLMAO: I couldn't even be mad. It was too funny.

OK, take out "squad leader" and put "company commander" or something in there. Her holding back on the original source is making me suspicious.
Yep. She was very defensive about it.
I want to make sure I understand this: An element of the Marine Corps larger than a platoon (think about that for a second, we're talking company or higher) may or may not have issued an order for Marines not to fart in the presence of Afghans because it offends the Afghans. The REPORTER (don't forget our general disdain for the media) when confronted was more or less evasive and tried to downplay the significance of her own story.

This passes for news and we're supposed to have our blood up over this.....Affliction-based, dubious, ass-smelling nonsense?
I agree with Free... although I think his BP actually went up over this.... Bro eat you Colon Blow, you can fart, you live with the AF...:rolleyes:

I crop dusted this hot, Bosnian, Fluor chick the other day at the DFAC. She didn't flinch; we may have a future together.