Mid-air at Reagan International

Can't remember where I saw it but I saw a comment about the 60 missing a second crew chief on it's left side. Would that be a standard?
Standard crew on a UH-60 is three. Pilot, copilot, and crew chief. I've seen 4 but only need 4 when it is mission essential. Doesn't seem that another crew chief would've been necessary on a training flight.
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Where do you see the DEI?
I don't but I see nepotism and where Trump would see DEI. She was part a social aide in Bidens White House and she's flying high profile flights around DC.

Lobach also served as a White House social aide during the Biden administration, Brown said. Just last month, she escorted Ralph Lauren through the White House when he was among those awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by former President Joe Biden.
I don't but I see nepotism and where Trump would see DEI. She was part a social aide in Bidens White House and she's flying high profile flights around DC.

I'd point out that she's a Guardsman and still would have needed a day job if she wasn't on fulltime orders as a pilot. We get a fair amount of slots for duties at Congress/the WH, so it's not that weird of a situation if she was in the DC guard.
Good info/updates here:

PSA Airlines CRJ-700 collides with US military helicopter in Washington DC | Flightradar24 Blog

www.FlightRadar24.com said:
1 February 2025
The NTSB provided additional updates today on information recovered from the CRJ’s flight data recorder, the condition of the H-60’s recorder, and the status of the air traffic controllers in the DCA tower.

* FDR data indicates the CRJ was at 325 feet ± 25 feet, this is ADS-B data combined with FDR data. Altitude reported by NTSB is corrected altitude data.

* Initial data indicates the altitude seen by the air traffic controller on the radar scope showed the aircraft at 200 feet. The NTSB hopes to verify that altitude by 2 February. The data shown on the radar scope is lower fidelity.

* The H-60 helicopter’s recorder shows evidence of water intrusion, the NTSB is drying the recording before retrieving data. It hopes to do this tomorrow.

* The FDR from the CRJ has been downloaded. It contains about 400 parameters.

* The CRJ’s cockpit voice recorder has now been downloaded and read out. All times listed in Eastern Standard Time —
20:45:27: CRJ Autopilot off
20:46:01: ATC makes PAT25 aware of CRJ south of the Wilson Bridge
20:46:29: 1000’ call out on CRJ
20:47:29: 500’ call out on CRJ
20:47:39: ATC asks if PAT25 has the CRJ in sight
20:47:40: TRAFFIC TRAFFIC aural alert sounds
20:47:42: DCA Tower directs PAT25 to pass behind the CRJ
20:47:58: CRJ crew has verbal reaction and airplane begins to increase its pitch
20:47:59: Sounds of impact

* There were 5 air traffic controllers in the DCA tower at the time of the accident
1 Local controller working fixed wing and helicopter traffice
1 Ground controller
1 local assistant controller
1 Supervisor
1 Supervisor in training
I don't but I see nepotism and where Trump would see DEI. She was part a social aide in Bidens White House and she's flying high profile flights around DC.
I don’t see how there would be any nepotism involved. According to this Washington Post article (https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2025/02/01/rebecca-lobach-army-airport-crash/), Capt Lobach got assigned to the 12th Aviation BN back in 2019, before Biden was even in office. Military social aide is an collateral duty on top of an officer’s normal duties, so she might have intended to use that to leverage into a future position, but I don’t see how she would have used it to get a flying job in a unit she was already assigned to.
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I don't but I see nepotism and where Trump would see DEI.
This doesn't look good against the DEI claims by Trump.

I'm usually in support of the president and I fully agree with doing away with the DEI nonsense. I also get that he's making the case that he's fulfilling his campaign promises. He may even be right. But seems he's weaponizing this case while families are still reeling. My thoughts are he could be just a little more compassionate and stop immediately going staight to DEI everytime he speaks...while simultaneously rooting out DEI.
I don’t see how there would be any nepotism involved. According to this Washington Post article (https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2025/02/01/rebecca-lobach-army-airport-crash/), Capt Lobach got assigned to the 12th Aviation BN back in 2019, before Biden was even in office. Military social aide is an collateral duty on top of an officer’s normal duties, so she might have intended to use that to leverage into a future position, but I don’t see how she would have used it to get a flying job in a unit she was already assigned to.

I think I post it here, can't remember because I was drunk posting last night, but my wife and I know her parents pretty well, in my sister-in-laws knew her extremely well.

According to my sister-in-law, she was very dedicated to being an aviator and very good, which is how she got assigned to that unit. Apparently it's a competitive unit that requires experienced pilots.
I think I post it here, can't remember because I was drunk posting last night, but my wife and I know her parents pretty well, in my sister-in-laws knew her extremely well.

According to my sister-in-law, she was very dedicated to being an aviator and very good, which is how she got assigned to that unit. Apparently it's a competitive unit that requires experienced pilots.

I don't see nepotism, or DEI in the case of the pilot. Trump hasn't made that claim has he? I think Trump's problem is with the ATC's.
The military social aide program always struck me as slightly icky. I’m sure I could make a good case for it, but I also wouldn’t be sad if it went away.
In that way, I guess you could make a case for nepoptism. But, it also makes sense that one gains trust through relationships with people who actually have a seat at the table. I don't take issue with that.
I don't but I see nepotism and where Trump would see DEI. She was part a social aide in Bidens White House and she's flying high profile flights around DC.

This is what we know about Captain Lobach. Latecomer to ROTC, joined her junior year or second semester of sophomore year. Became a Distinguished Military Graduate and earned an active duty aviation slot. There is a reason why it is called Reserve Officers Training Corps as you are not guaranteed an active duty slot unless you attend a Service Academy or Senior Military College.

She then did well flight school and got assigned to 12th Aviation Battalion, honest a hard assignment to get because it's essentially a VIP only flight mission. I think at 1AD we only had like 6 Blackhawks in all of 1AD CAB that were fully outfitted for "VIP" transport duties. And they were deadlined all the time, so getting a flight request for flight recon at times was difficult because we always needed two. 1 for the planning team and one for the DCG-O...couldn't be stuffing the plans section in the same bird as a GO I guess.

Assignment as a social aide? White House assignment as even a collateral duty is incredibly hard. Could she leverage that throughout the rest of her career? 100%. Her ticket was written. She went to a high profile unit and performed. Could she have more flight hours if she went to a CAB? Certainly. Should 12th Aviation take in junior pilots as first assignments? Talk to HQDA about how they want to treat Gold Top Battalion. Probably need to change how those birds are used though which is a different discussion.

So what's the next thing people will go after? Her sexual orientation? Since her parents statement called her a "partner" and not a girlfriend. Like the amount of lesbians in the Army is enough to where orientation has little to do with her ability to fly.

I say this all to point out, she was a high performer based on the facts. There also two stick jockeys in that airframe. If it is her fault, it is also the CW2s.

BUT, perhaps we should not have helicopters doing nonsense like that night? This isn't a combat aviation unit, they can fly at night somewhere else.
This is what we know about Captain Lobach. Latecomer to ROTC, joined her junior year or second semester of sophomore year. Became a Distinguished Military Graduate and earned an active duty aviation slot. There is a reason why it is called Reserve Officers Training Corps as you are not guaranteed an active duty slot unless you attend a Service Academy or Senior Military College.
I say this all to point out, she was a high performer based on the facts. There also two stick jockeys in that airframe. If it is her fault, it is also the CW2s.

BUT, perhaps we should not have helicopters doing nonsense like that night? This isn't a combat aviation unit, they can fly at night somewhere else.

I've read a few place that Captain Lobach enlisted in the NC Army National Guard and then completed ROTC under the Simultaneous Membership Program. Not unusual for for ROTC folks, many of whom return to the Guard. NCARNG runs their own OCS program, so why didn't she attend that? Don't care. Guard OCS is dumber than dumb, but I digress... I'll go out on a limb and say her presence in that unit was normal and not the result of nefarious forces with an agenda. I could be wrong, but Occam and all that.

Until the AIB or some informed YouTuber comes along with solid leaks: Who was being trained, why (recurrency, initial training to the unit, etc.), did the aircraft have a history of electronic problems or gripes, total NVG time for both aviators, who was on NVGs at the time, did they have something going on in the a/c to distract them, someone taking OTC or even illegal drugs, loose ferret in the cockpit...hell, we don't know. The list is a mile long.

Or did some seasoned aviators simply make one or more mistakes? Aviation has claimed the lives of thousands and thousands of people over the last 120 years from simple mistakes. Again, Occam and all that.

As for training, where else should they train that is practical (nearby), that can closely mimic the conditions of DC (background lights and at least one river, preferably more, with no overhead lines), and lacks the distraction of an airport? Does something like that exist and they use this, and the mishap a/c was on a check ride following a training syllabus?
In that way, I guess you could make a case for nepoptism. But, it also makes sense that one gains trust through relationships with people who actually have a seat at the table. I don't take issue with that.
I'm not tracking what the nepotism discussion is about and I don't know the soldiers in question so I am not trying to make that kind of argument. Just want to be clear on that.
Being a "social aide" always struck me as as sketchy. You have to be young and attractive, and your "additional duty" means several times a month, and maybe even more frequently, you're taking time off of the job you're supposed to be doing for the Army and partying with powerful people. I'm sure it's great for the individual--look at the names of the people who have been social aides--but I'm not sure it's a great use of the Army's time and the People's money.
I'm not tracking what the nepotism discussion is about and I don't know the soldiers in question so I am not trying to make that kind of argument. Just want to be clear on that.

I think there might be confusion regarding her working in the White House.

For general awareness of the board, there's about 2,600 service members in the White House Military Office. (More than I'd have thought.)

Duties of the Social Aides, from wiki:

The social aides, of whom there are 40-45 at a time, are uniformed officers of the rank of 1st lieutenant / lieutenant, junior grade and up to major / lieutenant commander, and have a purely social role, taking care of visitors to events held at the White House. They are volunteers, serving perhaps two to four afternoons a month.

Reads like on of the hundreds of ceremonial duties the military partakes in.