National Protest and 'disband the cops' discussion (please review page 1)

That makes me so damn mad. I've been stopped couple times while carrying and both times I told them, and both times they said, well if you don't shoot me with yours I won't shoot you with mine.

There is a part of me that wants to defend the officer removing the gun from the driver. In this case. The dude in the vehicle did not state that he possessed a permit to carry and had a firearm with him.

The cop said “do you have anything crazy with you“, the dude in the vehicle said “yeah, a gun“. He never identified whether or not he was a permit holder.

I’ve been carrying for 20+ years and in every renewal class I go through, the instructor has always beat into our heads, never use the word “gun“ to a cop and always identify yourself with this script…

“Before we go any further, I just wanted to let you know that I have a permit to carry and I am carrying right now, and it is located on my left hip”

Wondering if the scenario would’ve been different if the dude would have identified himself as a permit holder, or if the cop would’ve asked.
There is a part of me that wants to defend the officer removing the gun from the driver. In this case. The dude in the vehicle did not state that he possessed a permit to carry and had a firearm with him.

The cop said “do you have anything crazy with you“, the dude in the vehicle said “yeah, a gun“. He never identified whether or not he was a permit holder.

I’ve been carrying for 20+ years and in every renewal class I go through, the instructor has always beat into our heads, never use the word “gun“ to a cop and always identify yourself with this script…

“Before we go any further, I just wanted to let you know that I have a permit to carry and I am carrying right now, and it is located on my left hip”

Wondering if the scenario would’ve been different if the dude would have identified himself as a permit holder, or if the cop would’ve asked.
Last time I was stopped, I kept my hands on the wheel, son had his hands on his headrest.
Cop laughed, said we didn't have to do that.
My next were, I have a pistol in the door pocket, and he didn't flinch.
There is a part of me that wants to defend the officer removing the gun from the driver. In this case. The dude in the vehicle did not state that he possessed a permit to carry and had a firearm with him.

The cop said “do you have anything crazy with you“, the dude in the vehicle said “yeah, a gun“. He never identified whether or not he was a permit holder.

I’ve been carrying for 20+ years and in every renewal class I go through, the instructor has always beat into our heads, never use the word “gun“ to a cop and always identify yourself with this script…

“Before we go any further, I just wanted to let you know that I have a permit to carry and I am carrying right now, and it is located on my left hip”

Wondering if the scenario would’ve been different if the dude would have identified himself as a permit holder, or if the cop would’ve asked.

I get that you live in a permit state. But I don't. I am in a constitutional carry state. However, I rarely carry and this has never happened to me.

This event happened in Jacksonville, Florida, Florida is a constitutional carry state. The Officer is at fault for negligence and everyone who was there should be let go and Jacksoville's insurance company better have sent a settlement letter already.
The funny thing about my link, having been born and raised there, they are on Golfair Blvd.. That section of Jacksonville has been predominately lower middle class Black people since the 50's or 60's. Crime? That's not a good place to be, day or night.

Cops pull him over, he states he has a gun on him (for that area of town I don't blame him and it isn't unexpected), and they are totally cool about it. No one panics, we don't see signs of acorn cop or anything like that. They are polite, professional, didn't panic upon hearing he was armed...the kind of police we'd all want in our communities, right?

I hope all of them minus Trigger Guard Tammy keep their jobs. That's a rough part of town to wear a badge. I also hope my man gets PAID because he behaved like we'd want all of our fellow citizens to behave and was shot for it because Sausage Fingers Sally fell asleep during the gun safety portion of the police academy.
Sausage Fingers Sally fell asleep during the gun safety portion of the police academy.
For context, my brother is a retired cop of 28 years. Like non-combat MOS soldiers, police officers are not required to do enough gun training IMHO. There are a lot of officers who choose to train and learn, but other than qualification it's not usually required. Some cops look at it like it's just a job and put in their eight hours.