3 Star Marine Mom
My pack is a civilian pack, Bad Lands, but yes, I did get it fitted. I'm pretty small, well idk, 5'1" if I stand really tall, lol and bout an honest 125. I'm not certain yet if I can truly pull off doing the light weight category at 35lbs for a full 26.2 miles. I hope I can, but I would rather be smart rather than look stupid, ya know? After all, I don't want to draw unnecessary attention to myself and I'm not out to prove anything other than honoring our wounded veterans, my son's buddies KIA; taking it all in and finishing injury free. As far as my feet, I use Glide on my feet and rub it all over; have been using since I started running long distances and it works well for me.What kind of pack are you using and if it's one of the civvy go faster types has it been fitted properly?
I'm going to echo Cbacks comment, I'm a massive fan of Salamon's XA Pro 3d mids if your not going to be hitting terrain that makes a Chamois puke.
After a bit your going to notice hard limps on your feet where you build up a callus, use Pumice if you can get it to scour it down and get a good foot balm (neat feat is the one I use, don't get neat foot oil) and rub that liberally onto any cracks that you start getting in the skin.