I decided to go against mommy and daddy's wishes and enlist. Right now I'm waiting on a waiver for some shoulder surgery I got done 2006 to clear. Originally I intended to join the Marine Corps, but they told me my shoulder was a no go. I went over to the Army and so far so good. I told myself that if I joined the Army I would become a Ranger or better. Right now I'm up to 80 push ups, 60 pull ups, 3 miles in just over 18 minutes, and a 92 on the ASVAB. I'm also involved pretty heavily in MMA, so it keeps me pretty conditioned. Anyways, I find myself pretty torn about how to achieve my Ranger goal. Every time I read the list of MOS's, Cav. Scout gets me all excited. From what I understand Cav. Scout wouldn't be the best route to take to go through Airborne school and then RASP. Any input on this issue would be much appreciated.
I decided to go against mommy and daddy's wishes and enlist. Right now I'm waiting on a waiver for some shoulder surgery I got done 2006 to clear. Originally I intended to join the Marine Corps, but they told me my shoulder was a no go. I went over to the Army and so far so good. I told myself that if I joined the Army I would become a Ranger or better. Right now I'm up to 80 push ups, 60 pull ups, 3 miles in just over 18 minutes, and a 92 on the ASVAB. I'm also involved pretty heavily in MMA, so it keeps me pretty conditioned. Anyways, I find myself pretty torn about how to achieve my Ranger goal. Every time I read the list of MOS's, Cav. Scout gets me all excited. From what I understand Cav. Scout wouldn't be the best route to take to go through Airborne school and then RASP. Any input on this issue would be much appreciated.