Anyone used this suppressor or have any recommendations for a better one?
SALE - SilencerCo Specwar K 556 $549
SALE - SilencerCo Specwar K 556 $549

I had to look that one up. I wasn't familiar with the brand other than their flashlights. It looks like a good one. Thanks for sharing.I use a Surefire can and muzzle brake adapter. I see no compelling reason to use anything else right now.
Thanks for the heads up brother. I will check that out.SilencerCo reviews are widely positive. Their Omega specifically is supposed to be a good can. Not sure if you're on their email list, but they are running a military appreciation promotion through November with participating dealers.
Not sure how much it'd save you if anything, but could be worth checking out. More info. (sort of) at SPEQ - SilencerCo
Hmm..Very interesting.I went to SHOT Show last year and meet the guys who started OSS Suppressors. Their design is new and I agree, revolutionary. They do not have the standard baffles. They have designed a series of long chambers and channels that wrap around and get smaller and smaller on the outside. Seems like this might be the new thing. Apparently they are in reliability testing with USSOCOM. Here's their Technology
I couldn't agree more. If they were all the same and able to use all suppressors that would be truly awesome.I just wish the military would design a standard flash hider for suppressed weapons and force manufacturers to build to that standard. Proprietary flash hiders do nothing but up the overall cost.
That is not always the case brother. If you have a registered with the NFA/BATFE SBR the flash hider doesn't have to be pinned. Like in my case it is a Colt 6933 registered and tax stamp received.The issue is , especially with SBRs, the flash hider needs to be pinned so that the barrel meets minimum length for legality. a 14.5" barrel needs a 1.5' flash hider to be at the legal 16", and the flash hider has to be permanently affixed to the barrel for most states that allow SBRs. Every manufacturer wants to be cool and have their proprietary flash hider, so the standardization is a moot point. the good thing, it keeps gunsmiths/armorers in business.
I would love more information about it so I could apply once I get some extra cash built up.I realize a lot of guys aren't familiar with the NFA. If you guys want I can do a complete write up on how to go about getting registered short barreled rifles, short barreled shotguns, suppressors and fully automatic weapons. Just say the word and it will be done.
After using a Surefire 5.56 can for the last 2.5 years I would most definitely go in a different direction if I was spending my own money, but that's just me.