Oh Florida.....

A whole lot of Florida.
I could say that's why I left Florida (among other reasons) but then again I moved to Idaho where the Legislature (which is dominated by part of "fiscal responsiblity"_ created a slush fund to pay millions of dollars for private lawyers to fight (and lose) court battles over laws that the state's attorney general warned them wouldn't stand up in court. He was right, but got defeated in the primary by a guy who promised to fight even more of those Quixotic court battles. :rolleyes:
Pretty tragic with two men dead because of a total dumbass, but to be fair, how did they allow this to happen? Bonus points: Polk County and Sheriff Grady Judd.

Bodies of 2 missing boaters who vanished Saturday on Winter Haven lake recovered

He said Ortiz’s girlfriend jumped into the water with the anchor while trying to anchor the boat in the middle of the lake.

The rope that was secured to the anchor was not secured to the boat for some reason, Judd said.

Um, Smokin' Jesus titty cinnamon, she tried to place the anchor by jumping into the water while holding said anchor? It wasn't tied to the boat? No one noticed this, not even the company that rented the boat? I know it isn't kosher to victim shame, but damn...

ANother way of thinking though, can't wait to hear about the murder investigation.
Boat rentals. Big mistake. There’s a shitload to learn about boat-handling, navigation, channel markers, safety, no-wake zones, emergency procedures, right-of-ways etc that nobody bothers to explain to dumbass land-lubber first time boat renters. That’s why they sink or drown or both.

But given that this is Florida, let me also add that we have our share of morons who own their vessels and still do dumbass land-lubber shit like take a 17-foot open fisherman 30 miles offshore with a weather front coming and find out the hard way that there can be 15-20 foot swells in the Gulf of Mexico…higher in the ocean.
Boat rentals. Big mistake. There’s a shitload to learn about boat-handling, navigation, channel markers, safety, no-wake zones, emergency procedures, right-of-ways etc that nobody bothers to explain to dumbass land-lubber first time boat renters. That’s why they sink or drown or both.

But given that this is Florida, let me also add that we have our share of morons who own their vessels and still do dumbass land-lubber shit like take a 17-foot open fisherman 30 miles offshore with a weather front coming and find out the hard way that there can be 15-20 foot swells in the Gulf of Mexico…higher in the ocean.

There's a reason boat owners, boat captains make it look so easy. They are educated, they are experienced, they do it all...the...time. Happens on rivers and lakes, too, but the consequences are much more magnified in open water for the very reasons you mention.

I get a kick out of the YT vids of the boats coming though the Haulover Inlet in Florida.
My favorite IG account to kill time, Credit Card Captains.


The boat ramp follies. When I had my boat I used to launch at 0500 on weekends and got to my fishing grounds around 0700 with sun coming up. And I’d get back to the ramp with my catch (or not) around 1100. That was when all the amateurs started to launch. Some very funny shit went on.

And this was before they started drinking. 😂
FL man updates have been slacking lately. So, here you go:
FL man updates have been slacking lately. So, here you go:

50 lbs my ass. Maybe 20. Even people who steal fish lie about their size.

BTW, nobody eats Tarpon. Too bony. You either catch them for the fight and release...or if it's 200 lbs maybe you trophy mount it. So dickhead just wasted a perfectly good fish.
FL man updates have been slacking lately. So, here you go:
Animal activist tossing it back into the ocean.