Old ammo


Feb 18, 2009
Wanting to hear from the SNIPERS only on this one. What is the oldest ammo you will run through your weapons? Please explain why, i.e. the conditions that the ammo has been stored, caliber, reasons, etc. I'm talking actual Sniper rounds, LC, BT, etc., not reloaded brass from the days of yore, but out of the box FMJ. Speak up Wookie.
I can't help you here: You know what I shoot. By the way have you reloaded that stuff yet? Anyway, I like it hot and fresh so I stick to mostly Federal Gold Medal. Plus I have so much data on those rounds. I do have a few old "stray" military rounds, some M852 and M118 -- but those are for girls that want to shoot my gun.
Was hoping to hear some answers. My dad had old ammo in his garage, and I won't run it, but am curious if the bullet can be pulled, new powder put in and the bullets reseated.
Can a LEO shooter add to this? If so, I am blessed with being able to rotate through my ammo (issued Hornady 168gr AMAX). We usually get a shipment (10,000rds for 7 of us) every year and never have to worry about it.

If I was a frugal type shooter, then I would be skeptical about ammo that I couldn't verify its condition from manufacturer to my rifle being used on a call out. When worrying about shooting the hostage taker vs the hostage I would not take any chances.
I'm not a sniper so I won't explain to you the many hundreds of very old, out of the box, original, FMJ Mil rounds I've fired through weapons specifically designed for those rounds (dedicated sniper and service rifles) and the failure rates Ive had and the effects on the rifles Ive fired them through etc...

Good luck with your research.

I'm not a sniper so I won't explain to you the many hundreds of very old, out of the box, original, FMJ Mil rounds I've fired through weapons specifically designed for those rounds (dedicated sniper and service rifles) and the failure rates Ive had and the effects on the rifles Ive fired them through etc...

Good luck with your research.

Perhaps you can post for the good of the order in another thread? I have like 2000 round of .40 that are like 2 years old and have been scared to shoot them; and really don't know how to dispose of them if I cant.


My wife says 4 years...:(
Old Ammunition

I am not a sniper however I can tell you much of the ammunition issued for battle during 66,67,68 was Korea and older vintage. Out of our special weapons we fired the attached. The match rounds were in combat the .45 blankd were in training.


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Perhaps you can post for the good of the order in another thread? I have like 2000 round of .40 that are like 2 years old and have been scared to shoot them; and really don't know how to dispose of them if I cant.


My wife says 4 years...:(

Shoot it.

I can remember opening up crates of 9mm that they dug out of one of the bunkers at MCSFTC, and we pushed it through our MP-5's and Beretta's like it was yesterday's ammo. I'm talking some old shit, crates from the 60's, and a lot of it, and at worst we only had a few duds.
Hahaha, Headshot is a wanker!

OK, the ammo I've used and continue to use is 50 to 60 years old! Yep you heard right folks.

FYI, One of the rifles I've used is 117 yrs old.

The only negative thing I've had is misfires. SOP = upon hearing "click" hold weapon in the aim for 30sec then re-cock and fire again if round does not fire, hold in the aim for a further 30sec then unload and dispose of round safely, i.e. bury it etc...

Ammo isn't going to explode just because it's old.

Now let me add to this, the ammo I've used and am talking about was in good condition, no corrosion etc... present. I will not shoot ammo that looks dodgy, capice?

So, clean to the eye ammo, WWII vintage or newer is good to go IMO, I use it all the time and have only ever had failure to fire problems.


But what the fuck would I know, I'm not a sniper. ;)
Problems that I have had with old ammo. .303 UK Military, RG 1942, the cordite failed 60 +% of the time. I have some 1938 8mm Hungarian that shoots great.

Other problem was in pistol style, not all sub machine gun pistol ammo will fire in pistols. The primers are hard strike and the rounds can be hotter than regular pistol loads. On a pistol, it could take a strike two to ignite the primer. Same with some rifle ammo. I had some 8mm Mausers, worked great in K98s but not Yugos.
Yeah, that ammo is really beyond it's use by date. Shame, Ive been using WWII and later .303 ammo for the last 25 yrs.

Problems that I have had with old ammo. .303 UK Military, RG 1942, the cordite failed 60 +% of the time. .
Yeah, that ammo is really beyond it's use by date. Shame, Ive been using WWII and later .303 ammo for the last 25 yrs.

When I can get my grimy hands on it, I love to shoot it as well but it's harder to find up here now. I'm with you, I'll shoot it as long as there is no corrosion and the round is still seated well. I've seen a few rounds that for some reason it seems like the brass has swelled over time and the round becomes loose.
I still use 20yo 168 gr Sierra FMJ boat tails, and have never had a failure. I do however keep the ammo high and dry in a proper box. Pardus is gay. If it will pass a PROPER visual inspection, i.e no rust, corrosion, etc. then I will usually fire it. I often have more worries about the condition of a weapon rather than the ammo. At this point I don't give a shit who posts on the topic, I was just trying to keep some of the OPINIONS from those who don't do but have a world of shit to say about everything, out of here for a few minutes for the benefit of others.
Hi guys, im 16 & at highschool, I read a book about a guy on a mixed SEAL/ Ranger death squad scuba unit who were assigned to the CIA on a top secret mission to kill hitler during the American revolution. They were cut off by gengis khan's regiment and ran out of ammo, luckily they found some old ammo from the roman empire that was the caliber as their rifles and managed to break out, they killed 400,000 of
the enemy then took all their gold & went home for dinner.

So as you can see. P
Hi guys, im 16 & at highschool, I read a book about a guy on a mixed SEAL/ Ranger death squad scuba unit who were assigned to the CIA on a top secret mission to kill hitler during the American revolution. They were cut off by gengis khan's regiment and ran out of ammo, luckily they found some old ammo from the roman empire that was the caliber as their rifles and managed to break out, they killed 400,000 of
the enemy then took all their gold & went home for dinner.

So as you can see using old ammo is fine'
Hi guys, im 16 & at highschool, I read a book about a guy on a mixed SEAL/ Ranger death squad scuba unit who were assigned to the CIA on a top secret mission to kill hitler during the American revolution. They were cut off by gengis khan's regiment and ran out of ammo, luckily they found some old ammo from the roman empire that was the caliber as their rifles and managed to break out, they killed 400,000 of
the enemy then took all their gold & went home for dinner.

So as you can see using old ammo is fine'

You obviously thought the title of the thread was "Old Assholes", and started posting. :cool: