Verified Military
Congress is not that stupid...............
Take a look at the economy and the national debt and tell me that again.

Congress is not that stupid...............
Wasn't he convicted for lying to Congress? Or am I confusing him with someone else?
45 Ibid., pp. 7196-97.
North testified that he had $15,000 in cash in a metal box bolted to a closet floor in his home, saved from pocket change and a decades-old insurance settlement.46 This, North said, was the source of funds for a car he bought in October 1985. North could not explain why he paid for the car in two cash payments -- the second after North had visited Secord. He said he could not recall the October 1985 payment.47
46 Ibid., pp. 7145-49.
47 Ibid., pp. 7145-53.
North claimed no awareness of a $200,000 investment account that Secord's business partner Albert Hakim set up for North in Switzerland, although he did admit that he sent his wife Betsy to Philadelphia in March 1986 to meet with Willard I. Zucker, the Secord-Hakim Enterprise's financial manager. North said he believed the purpose of Betsy North's trip to Philadelphia was for her to identify herself to Zucker in case North didn't return from a dangerous trip to Iran. North said he assumed that in the event of his death, something would be done ``that was proper and honorable and nothing wrong in any way,'' denying that the investment account was a bribery attempt by Hakim.48
48 Ibid., pp. 7184-98. Hakim pleaded guilty in November 1989 to attempting to supplement the salary of North, based partly on the establishment of the $200,000 investment account. See Hakim chapter.
North was unable to blame others for his acceptance of a home security-system from Secord, except to explain that he accepted the system in response to reported terrorist threats on his life. North admitted that after the Iran/contra affair became public, he exchanged false back-dated letters with Glenn Robinette, a former CIA officer who worked for Secord in installing the system, suggesting payment arrangements. ``t was a fairly stupid thing to do,'' North said.49
HOLLiS, Scott is making the point that what he did was illegal. Just because it is illegal does not always make it wrong. To me if a father of a raped and murdered little girl kills the murderer/rapist, it is not wrong. But it is illegal right? I think you are confusing right and legal. What Oliver North did might have been "right" but it was most certainly illegal.
One can say anything. BTW why do you think lawyers will tell you, "This is my opinion" they do not state it as fact. No it is your interpretation of the So called historical record. Just like the same historical record that people claimed we supported Saddam. We never did.
Look at POTUS, prior the election all the slamming of Bush about Gitmo. "Elect me" and Gitmo will be closed. He is elected and say," "Wwe will review Gitmo for a year." That means the reality of Gitmo and the partisan political BS just collided. I told people then, "Gitmo is not going to be closed". So where is all the excitement for the past TWO years on closing Gitmo?
So is POTUS a war criminal for keeping Gitmo open, like Bush was? No, reality, those tangos are something no body wants. Outside of exiting out a C130 at 20,000 ft over the Atlantic, Gitmo is where they will say. None of the opponents to Gitmo wants them either. Same with North a political football.
Believe as you want. North served his country and did what most people would not do. Needed to be done. Just like most Viet-Nam vets, the "so called historical records" paint them as evil too.
He is not a convicted felon. An appellate reversal vacates a conviction. The government could have retried the case, but chose not to do so, because it could not have proved its case in light of the appellate court's holding. The record is not "erased" -- it shows a conviction that was vacated, and charges that were thereafter dropped.
Clandestine op's doesn't make it ok to break laws.
So anybody read the book yet?
Abu Nidal.... AQ didn't come on the scene till after DS/DS.... damn kids....Was that the security fence to protect against a then-little-known terrorist group called Al Qaeda?