I read that report too, One can find anything on Google. BTW, do you know who John Kerry is? So you really don't have any real information. Imagine something happens to you, the media reports the allegations of what you have alleged to have done, some other people add their spin and reports when they conclude you are something that you are not (a shit bag). But what the heck, a lot of people will believe what they say about you, that you are SB. Fact is fact,I would like to make it real clear, I am not calling you a SB, just using your term to for my example. There are a lot people who are face a unjust trial by the media and are found guilty or innocent with any bases of fact proven. This also happens today and we have had it happen to those who have served. What happens is that many people will remember the guilty verdict by the media and political pundits but not the "Found Not Guilty" by the real court of law. That was way to common during the cold war.
As I mentioned earlier, the US is runned by partisan politics,as with most "free" countries and during this time the cold war was going on. I know how old you were during the cold war but everything was super spun during that time. Just like those myths that I posted about the men and women who served in Viet-Nam.
If the allegations where true, LtCol North would he not still be in jail? Now that North works for Fox news and with his previous republican leanings he is fair game by all those on the liberal to left.
How true are those allegations? I don't know, but I know people who say they are not true and they are less than one or two people away from what happened. I like google to check my memory not to gather facts.
So for me, he is not a shitbag until proven.
BTW, the D's/liberals/leftist would have love to have his butt nailed, never happened. obvious reason, no facts, or laws broken, or he had a really good lawyer, or ???. Connelly and Williams would say they were (if I remembered their names right)