Oliver North SOF Book Out Now

From what I know, North was liked by his Marines when he was in Kilo 3/3. You can good Mutters Ridge, one of their hang outs when he was there. It was easy to loose a company or two on Mutters Ridge. 3rd Marines also shared their TAO with 9th Marines. 9th Marines also had the infamous unit Bravo 1/9 AKA the Walking Dead.

BTW, this is first hand information.

IIIMAF, L 3/3, I 3/3 1969.
He knew that coke was being shipped to his fellow citizens in the US.

That makes him a shitbag. You don't help a third world shithole at the expense of your own people.
My interest is simple. Not for North but for about 3 million Americans who for about 20 years lived under a dark shadow of innuendos and out right lies. A war that cost about 65,000 American lives and a higher number of disable Americans. The dark cloud also cover those men and women who served in out ally's forces in that war.

A good site:


In the US partisan politics rule. For those of us who serve or had serve it is not the politician that we can trust. When it gets down to it, it is only our own brothers and sisters that we can trust.

Lies and rumors are spread and those lies and rumors are echoed over the year where it seems they are no longer lies or rumors but fact. When the Gulf War broke out, many Viet-Nam vets swore what happened to us would not happen to those who will fight. Support the troops.......... is still be echoed, but is it?

When we can not separate fact from rumor, fact from lie, and people jump to conclusions then yes, this war will be just like the Viet-Nam war.

For me, it is simple, I don't care about the politicians or our leaders, I only care about those who serve or have served.

Semper Fi

"The Kerry subcommittee did not report that U.S. government officials ran drugs, but rather, that Mr. North, then on the National Security Council staff at the White House, and other senior officials created a privatized contra network that attracted drug traffickers looking for cover for their operations, then turned a blind eye to repeated reports of drug smuggling related to the contras, and actively worked with known drug smugglers such as Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega to assist the contras. The report cited former Drug Enforcement Administration head John Lawn testifying that Mr. North himself had prematurely leaked a DEA undercover operation, jeopardizing agents' lives, for political advantage in an upcoming Congressional vote on aid to the contras (p.121)."


His notebooks are there. In them- the ones he didn't destroy, which I understand is a federal crime in itself?- are many references to drugs.

Here are some of the entries:
I read that report too, One can find anything on Google. BTW, do you know who John Kerry is? So you really don't have any real information. Imagine something happens to you, the media reports the allegations of what you have alleged to have done, some other people add their spin and reports when they conclude you are something that you are not (a shit bag). But what the heck, a lot of people will believe what they say about you, that you are SB. Fact is fact,I would like to make it real clear, I am not calling you a SB, just using your term to for my example. There are a lot people who are face a unjust trial by the media and are found guilty or innocent with any bases of fact proven. This also happens today and we have had it happen to those who have served. What happens is that many people will remember the guilty verdict by the media and political pundits but not the "Found Not Guilty" by the real court of law. That was way to common during the cold war.

As I mentioned earlier, the US is runned by partisan politics,as with most "free" countries and during this time the cold war was going on. I know how old you were during the cold war but everything was super spun during that time. Just like those myths that I posted about the men and women who served in Viet-Nam.

If the allegations where true, LtCol North would he not still be in jail? Now that North works for Fox news and with his previous republican leanings he is fair game by all those on the liberal to left.

How true are those allegations? I don't know, but I know people who say they are not true and they are less than one or two people away from what happened. I like google to check my memory not to gather facts.

So for me, he is not a shitbag until proven.

BTW, the D's/liberals/leftist would have love to have his butt nailed, never happened. obvious reason, no facts, or laws broken, or he had a really good lawyer, or ???. Connelly and Williams would say they were (if I remembered their names right)
OJ was found not guilty too... just sayin'.
Yeah, but I could give a rats touchas about celebrities. While they are paid big money and people think they are heroes and to be admire, I tend to think they are not, my heroes wear the military uniforms of their country, don't get paid much and are asked to do things that many would not do for any price.

Also OJ was found culpable in civil court.
Mara I would hope there is a little difference in a congressional hearing and 12 liberal thinking do gooders. But then I am a little positive today. I give up on trying to convince people that military people follow orders they don't go around making up their own operations.
Every once in a while I get a big smile when I read what the FOG’s (no disrespect meant) have to post, it reminds my young ass to STFU and listen. I could not agree more with you Hollis and Manolito, you gentlemen have my respect…
Hollis, I did not at any point say he was complicit in the drug smuggling as you seem to imply. What I said was that he knew about it and did nothing over it. You can't try to forward the foreign policy of your country at the expense of your own citizens.

I won't be participating in this thread from this point; It seems futile.
Yeah, but I could give a rats touchas about celebrities. While they are paid big money and people think they are heroes and to be admire, I tend to think they are not, my heroes wear the military uniforms of their country, don't get paid much and are asked to do things that many would not do for any price.

Also OJ was found culpable in civil court.

You don't care about celebrities? What is Ollie North now if not a celebrity?
You don't care about celebrities? What is Ollie North now if not a celebrity?

You gotta be kidding me? When the Iran Contra affair broke out, almost nobody new who Lt. Col. North was. Gee, maybe I am a celebrity too. I'll ask my kids.

He knew that coke was being shipped to his fellow citizens in the US.

That makes him a shitbag. You don't help a third world shithole at the expense of your own people.


Hollis, I did not at any point say he was complicit in the drug smuggling as you seem to imply. What I said was that he knew about it and did nothing over it. You can't try to forward the foreign policy of your country at the expense of your own citizens.

I won't be participating in this thread from this point; It seems futile.

I use to know several Mexican Senators who were involved in the illegal drug trade to the US, and yes I did nothing about it. It was not in my orders from my boss to do so, it was not happening in my jurisdiction and I learned about their involvement in a FBI class on the illegal drug trade. Also our FBI instructors were not doing anything about them either, except to teach the class.

I was in Central America too, I hope I am not held responsible for all the crap that went on down there.

I am still trying to figure what you expected him to do. He is not Sylvester Stallone, Arnie Schwarzenegger, Bruce Willis or any of those other one man army types that are also called celebrities.

.... and all I wanted to do was support the troops, just like those who today who have been found guilty by the media and politicos and later all charges were dropped, but the who remembers that? At what point do we hang our own based on the media and politicians statements, there by casting aspersion on all those who server? Yes this war is like Viet-Nam, if this is the out come.
You gotta be kidding me? When the Iran Contra affair broke out, almost nobody new who Lt. Col. North was. Gee, maybe I am a celebrity too. I'll ask my kids.


Your sarcasm is neither necessary nor appreciated.

My question was to his status now, not what it was before his lies before Congress.

You don't care about celebrities? What is Ollie North now if not a celebrity?
Your sarcasm is neither necessary nor appreciated.

My question was to his status now, not what it was before his lies before Congress.

I did not mean it as sarcasm, I was completely unprepared. It caught me as a complete surprise. I was actually laughing, it was more a comical response. I guess I should have posted a smiley or something. I don't watch TV, except for movies and just could not imagine him as a celebrity. I don't argue for political reasons or to just argue.

If we talk about what is appreciated, I would add. I am set back at the ease in which he is a target in the media. As I have mentioned through out this thread men and women who serve our country are used a political football. I am appalled at that. There has been a number of case where their actions has been heavily scrutinized and false comments made in the media and political arena. Later very little is said when the charges or allegations have been dismissed or dropped.

My sensitivity to this issue is, as I mentioned, for over 20 years men and women who served honorably suffered under this cloud of suspicion of wrong doing. If a person violates the laws of their land, military code of conduct, or behaved in a way to cause shame to the military, their crimes should be fairly crimes adjudicated and reasonable punishment administered. I think that is something we all should insure. False allegations, casting aspersions or other methods to slander those who serve and the military they serve in should not be supported.

If Lt. Col North violated the laws, then in a court of law he should have been found guilty and punished. If that was done I would not have posted anything.
Stepping in, or "stepping in it?"
What's Oliver North's credibility? Other than being busted for lying to Congress? Asking because I don't know.
Well, here's the unvarnished truth from my perspective. Bear in mind I just had 2 Bamberg Rauchbier's and a Partagas cigar sitting on my deck.
Ollie is your best friend when the camera's are around. Disappears whenever the press and cameras disappear. In Nicaragua days he would trot out pictures of civilian children massacred or starved by the Sandinistas in front of congress(all too ture) and then reverse himself by saying he only supported us because Reagan told him to. There's a bunch of Vietnam vets who stayed loyal to their buddies in the Montagnards called "Save the Montagnard People". After the Montagnards fought there way accross Cambodia they had an anonymous beurocratic battle to get their families settled stateside. Needless to say, Ollie didn't do shit for em, because not publicity there. Likewise over the last 25 years Ollie hasn't done shit in the dozends of land wars and legal wars fought by ex-Contras. Showed up one time in 2006 since there were cameras and backed the WRONG candidate for president. Ollie deserves a place in history for doing a great job keeping a lifeline alive to the best anti communist fighters I ever met in time of aboslute crisis with the FSLN cutting off all medicines to the campesinos causing 10s of thousands of children to die with distended bellies. But he's a fair weather friend who disappears with the cameras.