One word-Chili

Oh yeah, baked potatoes too..

Hear me out here.....:-"

Take a bake potato, cook it on your grill for 45-60 min.
Slice it in half, put butter on it, cover it in yer favorite Chili, cover in cheese, then sour cream...

And here is the game changer, sprinkle with Ranch powder....:thumbsup:O_o

Bacon is also authorized anywhere in this process!
You are making me hungry. I love baked potatos and do love chili on them. Some people like chili with rice-but I hate rice.
Spongebob-I will pay you to send me a care package of hot peppers. No ghost peppers though. Grew my own habaneros once.Just love hot peppers. We are pretty much just stuck with jalapenos in my small town up here. PM me if interested.
I love Green Chili anything, grew up in NM....:thumbsup:

My mom made a famous green chili pork stew that would warm your soul after a long day of deer hunting or snow skiing!!!!

That sounds awesome!:D

BTW-cant find those peppers up here too frequently. Also want some I think they are called ancho chillies.
Sometimes the stores carry them, though I think that they are one of those seasonal crops. For my family when the peppers were in season, we would go to Mauro Farms and pick them. We would pick one or two bushels and take them to roasting station. There the workers at the farm give them a quick wash and blister them in a tumbling propane roaster. For a few dollars more they'll throw in heads of garlic to roast with the peppers. The smell is amazing! Afterwards we peel and freeze them for the year.
Spongebob-I will pay you to send me a care package of hot peppers. No ghost peppers though. Grew my own habaneros once.Just love hot peppers. We are pretty much just stuck with jalapenos in my small town up here. PM me if interested.

Let me see what I can do as far as going home to get these......give me a few weeks....:-"
Made this today, substituted 2 green peppers with 3 jalapenos...added my own twist..aka..alot more red pepper, cumin and chili powder..bottom line it is hotter then 2 nuns in a bath tub!!!!!

It is simmering right now....:-":thumbsup::-o
Recipe MOD:
5 pounds cubed beef stew, cut in 1-inch cubes
1 cup olive oil
1 chopped yellow onion
2 tablespoon garlic powder
4 tablespoons chipolte chili powder
2 tablespoon red pepper flakes, crushed
2 tablespoon cayenne pepper
4 tablespoons ground cumin
3 jalapenos, chopped
2 large cans tomatoes, diced with juice
1/4 cup all season salt
1 cup strong coffee

2 (15-ounce) cans kidney beans
12 IPA's

Brown first 2.5 pack of meat in 2 tablespoons chili powder and 2 table spoons of red pepper along with 1/8 cup all season salt
Pour in crockpot
Brown second 2.5 lb pack of carcass in 2 tablespoons of cumin and 2 tablespoon cayenne along with 1/8 cup all season salt
Pour in crockpot
Pour 1/2 cup olive oil in pan
Chop 1 yellow onion up and place in pan and carmalize
After 5 minutes, place heat on low and put 1/2 more olive oil in pan then cover, let simmer 10 min
Dump all remaining ingredients in crockpot:
2 large cans of tomatoes
2 15 oz cans kidney beans
3 x jalapenos
2 tablespoon of garlic powder, cumin and chili powder (each)
Once onions are done dump all onions and oil in crockpot
Let simmer until you can't take it anymore

Serve covered with sour cream and Shredded Cheddar cheese and along side your favorite IPA! Eat until you have to lay down!!!!

No, I feel like I suck at life for never going there. :wall:

New Mexico = real small towns, 1 traffic light, maybe a gas station....and then this....a small tavern or pub or local drinking hole that makes an EPIC green chili burger that is famous in a magazine or on a Cooking show!:D

Blakes Lota Burgers had good green chili burgers!!!!!:thumbsup:
Do you think the coffee made a difference in the taste?

Can't really tell, it's extremely greasy, since I didn't drain any fat or oil. Top that with the double portion of Chili/Garlic/Cumin I put in there.

Bottom line this chili is PERFECT for me!

Chili overflowed crockpot, so I was forced to eat alot of bowls