Oris Force Recon Watch

@Teufel - Oris responded to my tweet. (See attached pic).

Guessing this is not the answer you were seeking, especially since the Cigar Afficianado article I referenced on page one of this thread shows their CEO making claims that proceeds would specifically benefit the Recon community -

As I am not Recon, I am hesitant to engage further without your approval -

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I'm sure if you guys keep working at it, they'll meet demands. Last thing they need is a bunch of pissed off recon Marines dissing the product named after them.

I can't believe they didn't give watches to the beta tester crew. That's a bunch of crap.
MCCS? That's the partnership? Give me a break. I posted this on their page:

I presently command a third of all active duty Force Reconnaissance Marines and I can officially state that Oris is not truly partnered with the Force Reconnaissance community. Oris purchased a license to use our logo from Headquarters Marine Corps, let some reserve Recon Marines test some watches and are donating money to MCCS. That's not a partnership. I strongly recommend that Oris contact the Marine Reconnaissance Foundation and give back to the men who have broken their bodies to create and maintain the tremendous name of Force Reconnaissance that Oris is using to sell watches. Feel free to contact them and let them know how you like them using the name of our community to sell watches and give nothing back to us.
Twitter is limited - so I replied to their reply of my tweet with:

You purchased license to use Recon logo:donating to MCCS is not partnership.Why not contact Marine Reconnaissance Foundation?
I don't think pissing off a group of people, who aren't afraid to speak their minds and have a "brand" to protect, is the best way to market a product.

Give 'em hell, Marines.
I went ahead and tweeted a link to the watchuseek thread @oriswatches. Given that wus is the largest watch site on the Web, and this is just before a Sept launch, I think they'll pay attention. Also, someone who is attending the launch of that watch said they will ask them in person.

Can one of you make sure the link goes to the thread, not just the general forum? My phone is weird.
Sure. I posted a link on the fb just now, go give it some weight with a like, or post a comment!
Dear Nate,We take greatly to heart the comments you made about this partnership. This
watch was developed in conjunction with and tested by 4th Force Recon
Company Marines. Through this partnership, we received a license to use the
Force Recon name for this watch from HQMC and the licensing fees we paid go
directly to the HQMC Trademark Office and from there flow to MCCS. Given
your feedback and that of others, we have also reached out to the Force
Reconnaissance foundation to see how we can help. Please understand that
this partnership was conceived with genuine intention with Force Recon Marines and was not an attempt to just use the Force Recon name without permission or purpose. We hope that all in the Force Recon community will support this project after understanding how it truly came about.