"Out of your lane?" Not to me at least, but that's one man's opinion. I think, and this is a learning point for you, that you lacked some situational awareness and allowed your eagerness to get the best of you. Temper your enthusiasm and learn to pick your battles. You have an "80% solution" in front of you and often that 80% is all you'll have in life. 80% now is usually better than 100% later.
Think of it like this: if the Regiment's current usage is a problem then how will you react when it changes...and it will change if you're in long enough. When your attitude changes then your performance will change because your concern is the day-to-day. Every day is a selection and every task is a test. The guys around you and the scroll will always matter whether you're deployed or not. The rest will fall into place because those events are out of your control.
If those things bother you then you need a new job. There's no shame in life without that scroll, but there are mountains of shame for not giving it your all whether you're kicking in doors or inspecting a DFAC. Every job is important and deserves your utmost.