Physical training for the PAST

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And you're not on the forum staff nor are you in the military. Don't presume to correct fellow wannabes, particularly if you're not wearing a uniform. Stay in your lane.
Nor was I attempting to correct a fellow wannabe. Hence the C/MSGT. But I shall do as you wish administrator
There is not a disconnect. Nor do I have an unfavorable attitude. I am simply standing my ground and stating that I am not here for popularity. That is all. If I come across as having an unfavorable attitude, my sincerest apologies. As far as my fellow wannabe, it was playful banter.
Your lack of self-awareness is not an excuse for showing your ass, and your apology isn't a Get Out of Jail Free card. This kind of behavior will not continue - is that clear?
There is not a disconnect. Nor do I have an unfavorable attitude. I am simply standing my ground and stating that I am not here for popularity. That is all. If I come across as having an unfavorable attitude, my sincerest apologies. As far as my fellow wannabe, it was playful banter.
You wont make it through the CCT Pipeline if you lack situational awareness.
Right now you lack said awareness.
Fellow wannabe or not, you are not a mod or staff member (neither am I, so feel free to ignore my advice), so correcting another member is outside your lane.
Post less, read more and you will learn a lot and have a great stay. Post more, read less and your stay will be short.
Have a great day.
Well I'm sorry for saying "copy that" but I believe the response was a bit ridiculous. Anyhow, I'll try not to say any military slang or terms from now on.
Well I'm sorry for saying "copy that" but I believe the response was a bit ridiculous. Anyhow, I'll try not to say any military slang or terms from now on.
No, you grew up in that environment, copy that, roger, wilco are not restricted to a radio.
We know what you meant.
A mod will let you know if you (or I) are out of bounds.
Carry on.
Thanks SOWT, I appreciate it. Also, is there a mentor page for STO? If not, do we have any STO Vets that would be willing to help and answer questions?
There is not a disconnect. Nor do I have an unfavorable attitude. I am simply standing my ground and stating that I am not here for popularity. That is all. If I come across as having an unfavorable attitude, my sincerest apologies. As far as my fellow wannabe, it was playful banter.

MODERATOR HAT OFF, this is advice from a SOF guy...

There is a huge disconnect, mainly between your perceived value/self worth and what you have shown as an irascible attitude toward the people who give up their time to moderate this site and try to mentor and teach young people like yourself in the ways of the SOF world.

You are a fail at this station. You are exactly right you are a wannabe... you have NO ground to stand, you have not even taken the Oath of Enlistment yet.

Your inflated sense of self worth will be crushed the minute you enter a SOF pipeline, but at that point it will be too late and you will have pissed off your instructors (oh, btw, a few of them might be here on the site, you may already have pissed them off), thus making your time in any SOF pipeline more miserable that it usually is... The SOF community is small, with long arms, and very sharp teeth.

You, young man, are clueless and a product of the "I'm the best, everybody is the best" society... learn humility and to STFU... regurgitating what you found on the 'net or got secondhand does not make you an expert, just a parrot. You have no experience and are discounting all of the experience being freely given by qualified SOF personnel... you are an idiot.

Take or leave this advice... if you leave it, you will end up sweeping floors or something after you fail out of your pipeline for failure to meet the standard, maybe not the physical standard.... but there are emotional, mental, spiritual and personality standards too... and arguing with your instructors will get you tossed in a heartbeat.

You are not the first wannabe to piss all over the valuable advice given here.... and every one of those who has pissed on the advice, unless they found their deity, has failed.... the few who finally took the advice have come back here and become some pretty strong members, or at least re-opened their accounts and apologized....

Again, since you know everything and can never be wrong... go your way. I hope you close your account here and never return.
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